Bushnell Fusion Rangefinding Binos


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Has anyone had any experience with these? I much prefer an RF bino to a monocular for various reasons, and the Internet reviews were mostly very positive. The two main downsides listed were difficulty reading the display in bright light and slow range times in very cold weather. Anybody had these problems? I hope these are quality units because I can't handle the large price gap to get a zeiss or Leica rf bino. Thanks.
A couple of guys on a different forum have gave them very good reviews. They state that the optics are a small step behind the big 3 (Leica, Swaro, Zeiss) but that the RF is about as good. FWIW....
I hunted with a guy that had bought a pair of them when they first came out and he had to send them back. I think he had problems with ranging targets that were further away and reading the display as mentioned. Not sure if they have corrected any of these or not....