Bump (the stocks, not the internet reminder)

That is a taking under any reading of the law.

In fact it is not a taking under most readings of the law. But I agree it certainly feels like one. The whole area of "regulatory takings" is a very pro-govt., anti-individual liberty body of law in its current state.
Like most here I don't see the point of a bump stock. The problem I have with the whole registration thing is that a Bureaucracy made a law that turned people into criminals. That isn't how it is supposed to work. When the government took away our fourth amendment rights they at least rolled it up into a neat little package, called the "Patriot Act", and voted on it. The power the bureaucracy in this country holds is way out of line.

This is my issue with it as well. No "grandfather clause" or anything, just turn it in or destroy it. I predict when the AWB comes back around, and it will, this is how it will occur, and then will be people feel the same way?
MN Vikings game? LOL

Or Packers this year. This has been a good read while drinking my coffee this morning.

I personally am of the opinion that a bump stock ban would basically do nothing. Just like a ban of any firearm type in our country. A person can still stick his thumb through his trigger and press it against his belt to the same effect. And I would imagine that making a bump mechanism would be a fairly simple thing to do on any semi-auto firearm.

Constitutionally, I have a hard time with any argument that has to do with banning any guns in our country. Just like I have a hard time with anyone labeling someone's speech as "hate speech" and throwing them in jail.
"real" Vikes footage from when men were men, QB's were tougher, and football was played in real weather.
Note the "bumps" Kapp took and gave on a regular basis.
Of course the end result of Da Vike's seasons then were the same as now - and everybody back then habitually wandered around in at least a slightly concussed state.....
"real" Vikes footage from when men were men, QB's were tougher, and football was played in real weather.
Note the "bumps" Kapp took and gave on a regular basis.
Of course the end result of Da Vike's seasons then were the same as now - and everybody back then habitually wandered around in at least a slightly concussed state.....

Beautiful! And Joe never really out grew it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyoEcbk3EP0 (best geriatric punch ever)
I kind of skimmed through all this stuff.

Agree with them or not what will banning them do? How many crimes have been committed with them? The older I get the more I despise political decision that are done purely to make a statement, even if you want to say it shows compromise or makes our argument stronger on other things. If it doesn't directly make the country safer than it is stupid.

Same thing can be said with most gun control on the comments above. AR's are constantly under attack because they are black, sexy, scary, polarizing. Banning AR's would do very little to lower crime in this country but it sells air time.

FBI Murder Data (FYI doesn't include Suicides which make up over half of the deaths sited with firearms used by media) 2017 numbers.
15k People murder. Handguns 7k, rifles 400, shotguns 264, other guns 264, Firearms not state 3k, blunt objects 467, Personal weapons Hands feet etc 696.

Banning AR's which falls under rifles basically does nothing but it is all you ever hear about. If a person that was anti 2A would come the crowd and talk about handguns then I would at least understand that they have a viable argument. When someone comes at me and starts with AR's I pretty much tune them out instantly as ignorant.

On the Vegas shooting the major opinion by most people I read the body count would be the same or worse if the guy just aimed and fired. The dude had 14 plus guns in his hotel. Does that really do more damage than a guy having 1 with multiple magazines.
Stupid law. If this is the measure by which we create gun laws does that mean all of our scoped hunting rifles are only one or two whackos with scoped 6.5 creeds on a high rise away from being banned? Are all you guys who don’t really care if they ban them ready to give up grandpas 30-06 when it’s next? Go ahead ban bump stocks, AR 15’s and 30 rd mags. I suppose people intent on killing will never know they could use a 12 gauge or scoped 6.5 and that will just keep them on the couch watching I love Lucy taking their meds.. sounds logical.. Personally I would like to keep ARs, bump stocks, 30 rd mags legal and let them be the focus of the fear mongering..
I can understand the annoyance with banning something largely for symbolic reasons. Not the right way to shape policy. But whatever you think about the bump stop ban, you can't really argue there is a legitimate self defense reason to own one. That's why the NRA largely shrugged it's shoulders when we were first talking about this soon after the Vegas shooting: “The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.” You can argue the legitimate self defense reasons for owning an AR15 and other tactical weapons even if the gun controllers will never admit it.

Long story short, if the NRA can't come up with a compelling reason to defend the bump stock then I won't either.
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