Caribou Gear

Brothers...Some Things Never Change


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2017
Thought I would share this morning’s excitement that I’m sure many can relate to.

Off work today due to the incoming storm and was woken up to a phone call from my brother who was taking his morning walk down the road. He tells me there’s pigs in our field across the road from my house. I recently put nail through my foot so I jump out of bed, hobble to the gun safe as fast as I can and met him outside. He says the pigs are calmly feeding he’s going to take my truck to his out to get his rifle. Fair enough. I took time to at least put some pants and a shirt on before walking out to the road and having a look.
While walking across the road I take note of the wind, which was not favorable, and at the gate I can see the herd of pigs. There were too many pigs to count. Probably 20-30 with only 2 medium size sows that I saw. The rest were shoats. They were in the field around a group of big oaks about 200yds away.

When my brother gets there I tell him my plan of how we should hit a drain and make a loop to them so the wind will be better and we’ll stay out of sight while closing the distance to about 50-75yds. He’s says to shoot from near the fence but just inside the field so the sound is not an inconvenience to the neighbor...que brotherly argument. To save time I agree to his stupid plan.

Before I’ll continue I’ll add that we are legal distance off the road, standing on our property, shooting on and across our property. Mine and the neighbor’s house is behind us.

While waiting on my brother to find his comfortable prone position multiple times I propped up on a corner post. Jason is still fumbling around while the neighbor gets in his truck to leave. The pigs paid no attention to the loud pipes firing up. But when he pulls out on the road and SLOWLY strolls down to watch us and the pigs they get nervous and a few start on a trot.

I identified one sow for him to take on the right side of a tree and I’d take another on the left. He’s still not in a position to see them good and I tell him he’s got to hurry as more are getting nervous and well....BAM...he shoots high over the one I’m aiming at. She takes off and I send one but miss as well. Lift my head up from the scope to see a bunch of black and brown little ones running out of sight across the field.

We checked for blood. Jason went back to the house after looking around where we shot. I continued to walk the drains just in case some were on the edge somewhere then went back to the house. He’s standing at my truck when I get back....que brotherly argument...we should have done this, you said I said this...

My dad who is also on his morning walk and herd the shots came to see what the commotion was. He knew exactly what happened without knowing the full story. He walks up slowly with a limping hip and a posture not as straight as it use to be. I could tell he wished we had killed some pigs. But he still walked up with a smirk on his face and said, “You boys are like a box of cracker jacks. Nothing as ever changed about them.” Jason and I looked at each other and had to laugh knowing that at 27 and 32 years old we still act like like we’re 7 and 12 at times. I moved from home when I was 18 and moved back last year. I would’ve much preferred cooking a pig today, but I am still thankful for these times.
Can definitely relate...both to the "brotherly love" (Identical twins) and the nail through the foot! When we're together, we're 60 going on 12.
I would of loved to shoot a couple feral pigs. Going to be doing that in December in Texas then again in March in Arkansas.

Good luck on your hunt. Around the house where I was at it’s random chance encounters. Get in the big woods where you can slip hunt and that’s an enjoyable hunt that’s challenging but easy enough once you figure it out.
Good luck with Barry. Windy up here, but no rain yet. About as humid as it’s ever been. Got my walk in already.
even with the fighting and bickering there is no better hunting pard then a brother
We still haven’t seen the effects from Barry yet, but we made old dad proud this morning. Got 4 pigs in the trap. Two big sows. Decent size boar and a smaller one. Got everything cut up and on ice. Taking a quick lunch break then about to start grinding and packing meat and get in the freezer ASAP. No telling when or how long the power will be out. Would like to get it as frozen as possible as soon as possible so won’t have to run my generator as much.F204AFB6-9B66-4F74-BA07-0D3F8B2B6891.jpeg