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Boyz Drool - Part 3


May 30, 2012
SE Wyoming
Season was winding down way too fast. Kids had to go to a ballgame saturday so we didn't get out til almost 2. After a couple missed stalks we finally were laid down on a herd and Kenz was resting the Weaver over my pack. After the shot, he ran 100 yards and laid down. The other 40 lopes took off but came back 3 or 4 minutes later. The tallest buck stood 100 yards from his fallen comrade and just stared. He was a little further than I wanted but still well within the range I practice. Finally after having him broadside for 4 minutes, I decided I'd poke a hole through him. I got on the rifle and Kenz took over the video camera. I hit him and he ran 50 yards and stopped so I hit him again and tipped him over.

Fun time with all 4 of my girls there. We only hunted one night after school and then Sat eve. It is too tough trying to match schedules to get everyone out together, but we finally got it done.

Kenz's pronghorn. Only 12.5 tall, but plenty of mass and character. She loves his white tips. Her 5th big-game harvest at 13 years-old.

The whole crew!

My pronghorn. 14.5 tall

I quartered mine and got him loaded in the Optics Hunter pack. We then went to Kenz's and took pics. After the photo op, Paige (11) decided she could carry my whole pack out to a 2-track. Ashton (9) wore my binos, rangefinder and a couple coats and held Rainey's (6) hand as they followed Paige. I figured she was packing 40ish pounds as my tripod, glassing stool and a couple other goodies were still in the pack.

Kenz and I field dressed hers and then I packed it the 3/4 mile to the 2-track where the other 3 girls were waiting. Kenz packed the rifle, shooting sticks, video camera and camera tripod.

Great time to get my girls out during this awesome Indian summer we're having in SE Wyo. I was able to film the whole hunt but couldn't wrangle kids, video and a still camera so we're a little light on the scenery pics.

I've been accused of being crazy for hauling 4 girls out into the hills as much as I try. I always figure they're not learning real life skills at home on the couch! How do we expect them to have the desire to be outside if you always leave em home? Start em young!

Very, very nice! Congrats! I hope to get my son (5yo now) out to WY with me for a pronhorn hunt in a couple of years. He could do the hunting part, but the 18hr drive might make both of us crazy! :D
That is righteous! What a terrific post! Almost called you this weekend, as I wanted to connect on regs and hunting next season. Have an awesome week sir, and congrats.
Well done cade...i'd like to know how you keep a group of girls quiet out there on the hunt! Super days to remember as they grow up.
great job, you are bring the girls up right. Heck they probably know more about hunting then the boys their age. keep up the good work.
I absolutely love that photo of your four girls and the antelope. What a priceless memory.