Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bow site for old eyes

They are not legal in South Dakota either. I have aging eyes and wear glasses. Up until last year, I was still shooting without the glasses on. Easy enough in bright sunlight. Not so good inside a blind. I tried to do contacts but I am not able to get them in and out. Was fighting with learning to shoot with glasses and most glasses(bifocals)do not have a very large area of prescription. IE, the sight line along your nose and edge of your glasses is not very clear for shooting. I have been trying to figure out how to overcome this and what I finally did is get a pair of glasses made that is single focus with a larger prescription area. I only use them for shooting but they seem to help and I get a clearer target picture. I know it is one more thing to make sure I bring to the woods but there is hope. Its either that or go instinctive and shoot fingers again at close range. Not quite old or debilitated enough for a crossbow permit. Hope I never get there.
EzV. Best a long distances because you're just framing the vitals....you don't have to see the tick marks. Although some like to just "frame" the shots under 30 yards and use the tick marks for those shots beyond 30 yards.
I shoot EZV. Love it and won’t change, even though some of those tommy hoggs and shit are pretty cool.. I’m good friends with the owner, Aaron also, and love to support my friends. That being said, I have been trying to figure out how to get further out. I max out at 70 at the bottom of the V. And for the record, framing and claiming is out the window at the bottom of your V.. I’d say that works at 50 or less. Im damned confident with my EZV… definitely worth a try for those who have trouble with “covering” your target with the pin, target panic, or blurry sight picture.
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