Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Boo to Scheels


New member
Aug 28, 2009
A soldier that I know from another forum described the following interaction at the new Scheels in Utah. I asked him if I could share this on OYOA, his only request was that I didn't use his name. Pretty disappointing treatment of one of our military members that had recently returned from a deployment.

Way to go Scheels. :mad:

*Note: This was posted on using an iPad immediately following his interaction, so there are some grammar/spelling errors.*

Went to scheels today after the gun show. Found an SXP that I hav had myee on for 360 bucks. Went ahead to get, since. Am not a UT resident I need my orders to buy weapons here, until I get my CFP. Did all of the paper work. Guy asks me why I am a WA state resident, with a CO ID, living in UT. I explain I am military and stationed here, gave him my orders and mil ID. He told me he did not believe me, as he held my ID. He looked over my orders and told me they looked fake, and does not believe that I am stationed in UT. I got a little butt hurt. He asked if I had a bill from UT. I gave him a bill from the UT state tax commission showing that I paid 25 bucks last week for my wife's back taxes, he says just because I pay state taxes to UT it does not mean I am allowed to,legally buy a fire arm in his store, word for word that is what he said.I said f--- it ill go up to Logan and get the shotgun tomorrow. He then said. Owed him 7.50 for the back ground check. I asked, did. Pass the check, he said yes, then asked why. Could not buy gun and he said "because I don't believe that you are stationed here " I then produced my truck registration for my Chevy I just bought that has my address on it. He said that was to new for him to look at. I grabbed m ID and started walking away and he says I still owe him for the BCI check. I told him to #*^@#* off and he said he was going to call security I told him to go ahead, he had my address and phone number on my paper work..... Mother f-----s
I know the scheels back in North Dakota have a hard time staying stocked properly. I preferred not to buy from them when possible. Either thru local shops or online via cabelas etc.

that is a bit ridiculous after showing him mulitple forms of id and bringing up the tax and truck papers that he still wouldnt sell to him.
He was probly mad cause He bought a Chevy.LOL, No scheels is a piece of chit store. I have shoppd at Gandr Mt,. Bass Pro and Cabellas and I dont even consider buying anything at scheels here in Minot. As far as hunting for the west they aint got Chit. Not a lot of selection on any thing.Not much help either. In Phoenix I liked Cabelles#1 ,. Bass pro2,, Sportmensware house 3 . I whould take Gander Mtn. 4 ( Only been in 1 in Erie,PA) Then Sheeels. They are Junk in my op.......BOB!
Contact the manager of the store. Threaten them with going public with how they treat vets. I bet that will rattle some cages.

Yep, good idea.

He could propaby get the employees name and use it to get the guy in some trouble at work as well if he really did this. If this story is true and the employee of scheels really thought someone was using fake information to buy a gun he should have called the cops imediately anyway.
Does Utah have different laws, or maybe something in general I don't know. Buying a long gun, shouldn't matter where your are, correct?

I was at a Scheel's in NE over Christmas, I am CO resident. They were knowledgeable and helpful. Was going to buy a rifle, they said resident didn't matter as long as I passed the background. Only reason I didn't was because of too long a line on Christmas eve.
We don't have any up here in MI and the only contact I had with their stores was out in Iowa a few years ago and it was a very positive experience. I was on my way back from Wyoming and saw one of their flyers that had a great deal on a Ruger Red Label O/U that a buddy back here was looking to buy. I called him and told him the price and he said grab one if I could. I stopped at the Des Moines store and they didn't have the straight English stock he wanted and when I told them I was headed back to MI on I-80 they called the Iowa City store that ended up having one. They held it for a couple hours until I got there, filled out the paperwork, took my credit card for payment, and away I went in about 1/2 hour.
I've had many more positive experiences at scheels than negative. There are a few guys in the Fargo and Grand Forks stores who know there firearm/archery stuff. I am sure they have some idjits too.

Plus, for me, they are a local company as well as a store that supports free lance hunting...

Fire D-bag, save scheels.
From my experience I should be so lucky to have one in my market. For the most part good service with good product, especially when you compare to the competition. Luckily the rumor is that they are coming to KC.

Every business has those employees that don't have the experience or knowledge expected for their position at some point. If you were to stop doing business with everyone you would have a very short list of retailers to do business with.

Not saying it was exceptable for the way it was handled if all the facts are correct but in most cases there are two sides to the story. I hope he gets whatever satisfaction he is looking for.
There is something not quite right in this story. One does not have to be a resident of Utah to buy a shotgun or long gun. The resident law only applies to handguns.
I have only been to the a scheels here a couple of times and personally experienced great customer service. I really doubt that this gentleman is making this story up, and it is definitely weird. I haven't had the need to buy another firearm since I moved to Utah, so I am not very current on the regulations here. I too was perplexed in that, if you think the documents are fake, why wouldn't you call the police? Oh we'll, it is an interesting situation that I thought I would share.
Not surprising coming from that end of the SL Valley, especially considering how close I used to live there... ;)
I'm not saying the story is false. I'm just saying that if the sales person actually said all those things he is less than clueless. You can sell shotguns and long guns to non-residents. It is also NOT his place to determine whether the I.D. was fake or not. If he passed the background check, and filled out the 4473 Form, it is END OF STORY! I would really like to meet this salesman in person. However by the time I get down to Utah this summer, I expect he will have long been fired, that is, if he doesn't pull his head out.
I have a family member that works behind the counter at one of the National chains.He told me that their company policy is to ''Size up'' all potential customers and not to make a sale to anyone who seems to agitated or anxious ,under the influence of drugs or alcohol,whos paperwork doesn't seem right.I told him that didn't seem right to me but he said all this came from their corporate lawyers. Their way of defusing the situation is to act like the are having trouble getting the background check done,like a slow connection or a long wait.

I'm in no way saying that any of this has anything to do with the OPs comments.
That Sucks! Ive never hhad any issues with scheelsnin great falls and they always have what I need ani always end up b'sing with a couple guys in there I know that hunt really hard. I like them and that employee needs to go. What a D bag. I have also never had problems buying guns and at that time I was an out of state military resident.