Caribou Gear

Blu Ray


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Modoc County, California
My wife has been riding my ass like she's a jockey or some damn thing about getting a Blu Ray player. Like this brand new house we just moved into isn't good enough or something. Anywho all bitching aside. Playstation 3 is supposedly one of the best players around. I'm leaning towards getting a Home Theater System based around a Blu Ray. I'm not much for video games so that's not a huge selling point besides we're getting the girls a Wii for X-mas. So help a brother out PS3 or Home Theater?

P.S. Keep it quiet this'll be her Xmas gift from me, so don't clue her in.
I got the PS3 for my son last year, hedging my bets in the DVD-HD versus Blu-Ray contest. I'm glad Blu-Ray won out. It has been a great video player as well as a video game player. Can't help you on whether a dedicated video player is better, though - we just use the PS3.
PS3 Hands down, the game graphics are better than any computer game you have ever seen.

The blue ray graphics are incredible

however just because you have a blue ray player doesnt mean you will get a good picture. your TV is the other 50% part of that, if you have less than a 1080i tv res. with less than 120 Mghzt you wont notice anything real dirfference.

I got both a blue ray player and a Ps3 and the Hm theater system hooks to a 40" sony bravia 120htz 1080p/1080i flat screen. I am trying to get the 52 inch this christmas and putting the 40" in my bedroom or take it down to work.

BTW my 7 year old daughter is the one who picked out the tv, she new all the specs and what tvs worked with blue ray the best, I guess her and My mom goto best buys alot and My daughter listens to people talking and the sales rep for sony. I had to go get a present for my son at best buy and took her with me, she took me over and showed me the tv, a sales guy came over and started Yapping away and she told him he was wrong in what he was explaining.Then explained it to him in technicle terms I sat there stunned and so did a few others and one customer was laughing so hard he had a hard time uttering the Words "The little girl is 100% correct".

So I basically bought the tv and stuff on my daughters reccomendation. My friend had a off brand expensive hdtv that was 8 months older and only had 60mghtz and the blue ray player did no justis compared to ours. he also went out and bought a new tv after he was ours.

We got a smoking deal at Dell computers since I had to buy a cad laptop also. and everything was just intime for christmas showed up right on the 24th. even April didnt know.
so due to this tv and blue ray we watch tv more, play a shit pot of games as well, we being the whole family. I won a butt load of cash in Laughlin in jan so I bought the kids a Wii game and a ps3 I play the ps3 mainly socom and bad company and the kids play motorstorm ( watch a motor storm demo at your local bestbuy and you will understand the graphics).
and I always hated sitting in front of a tv and games as well.
Don't buy either. Save your money and get a Toshiba XDE player instead.

For under a $100 bucks, it upconverts standard DVD to 1080p with rave reviews (not from me, but from videophiles. I could care less about TV picture quality. I just happen to work in the industry). While nobody admits it's as good as Blu-Ray, it's pretty damn good and will save you a small fortune. Blu-ray prices are not coming down for awhile, so unless you've got an urge to go out and upgrade your movie library at ~$30 a pop, I'd save your money for now. And I bet your wife won't even know the difference assuming you already have a quality 1080p TV as Delw mentioned.