Blind Rattling for Whitetail


Nov 2, 2015
Hey all. Just wanted to ask what you thought about blind rattling. I decided to give it a try. Well I thought it was going to be blind. The moment I started into a nice loud session, a pair of does bolted out of cover around 100 yards away. Would this be normal behavior or did I screw up my rattling? I am probably a little antsy as I have probably put in around 50 hours in the stand so far and haven't even had a reason to pick up the bow.
If I were betting I would say they most likely saw your movement and figured out what you were. Though in my experience some animals, bucks or does, run or stay depending on their particular moods and personalities. Don't give up, usually the louder the better and mix in other sounds lime grunts or leaves kicking around. Good luck.
Start out easy in your first couple sequences. Then if nothing shows up start building up the noise as you go through the next couple sequences. The does were probably so close that you scared the heck out of them if you started out real loud and does also get nervous if they know bucks are in the area and they aren't ready to breed.
does also get nervous if they know bucks are in the area and they aren't ready to breed.

Bingo! Does not in heat don't want to be around bucks especially those willing to fight so the winner can chase does around. You didn't do anything wrong (maybe volume) just the nature of the game when hunting bucks only.
Movement is crucial....keep it to a minimum...they will come in on full alert for sure. I killed a big buck Sat while blind rattling. . .pics tomorrow. :)
Blind rattling works, but I've had your experience too. When rattling (or calling elk for that matter) I try not to surprise the woods. In other words, I might break a stick or two or "stomp" the antlers against the ground as a prelude to the louder actions. My hypothesis is this is more natural and thus doesn't startle nearby game. I have no idea if this helps or not, but it's part of my ritual. I will say that if a deer hears something that doesn't compute with what he sees, he will bolt.
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