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Black Hills SD mule deer ?'s


New member
Jun 3, 2012
This year will be my 5th year in a row of acquiring points for the BH. Plan on having 6pts when I finally have time to apply for real due to other hunting commitments. They offer 16 non res any deer tags and 240 wt only tags. I can draw a wt only tag easy enough but due to many years of spring turkey hunting I've found a lot of good mule deer country and would like the option to take either if I have the proper amount of points to merit applying for the any deer tag. Any help on amount of points needed as well as general rut timing info for the BH would be great as I'm already brainstorming about the hunt eventhough I just drew a CO deer tag for 75/751 :) any help is greatly appreciated
Good luck on mulies if you draw the tag. I could help you on whitetails, as there are plenty where I've hunted the turkey season a few times out there, but I have only seen 3 or 4 mulies.
There are some dandy muley bucks in the Hills. Getting a rifle tag is tough for a resident, let alone a non res. I've a prior co-worker that has applied for the any buck license for 7 years straight without success.

If you really want an any buck tag, go archery.
I looked on the SD GFP website and although it isn't broken down as well as other states it showed 162 applicants with at least 1pt applied for the 16 available tags. Not horrible odds considering the points I'll have is it? I'll apply for wt only tag if need be but plan on going in '17.
Kinda get that feeling that people are just intimidated to apply for the tag on the basis of there only being 16 tags available??? I have made a call to the GFP lotteries dept and was told I should be in good shape with 6pts but then I read somebody with 7pts was declined???
Mule deer numbers were down quite a bit in the hills a couple of years ago. May want to hold on to your points a little longer until the population is good and mature. Might have better luck. I'd also look into some areas around Wall, there have been some dandy bucks take around there in the last few years.
I have 6 pts for all deer hunts available to non-residents in SD and will continue to build points for a year or two before throwing my name in the hat. Like WyOpitz said, the mule deer herds in the Dakotas were hit hard 3 years ago and are just starting to show signs of better populations with some good bucks getting taken the past two seasons.Two more mild to somewhat OK winters and it should be REAL good hunting. Just my .02. One thing to consider would be to buy an any archery tag and go scout/hunt areas you plan on hunting when you finally do pull that tag. That would give you an idea of whether or not you should burn those points just yet. Good luck!
Lots of good info...thanks. I have some local knowledge also from all the years turkey hunting that I'll take advantage of so I have areas figured out just need tag
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