Big weekend...


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
My oldest (7yo) son, Spencer, had a pretty big weekend. It started Friday night...

Here he is with his first ever hunting license! IMO, it was $7 well spent. Saturday morning was busy as his younger brother, Kellen, had a flag football game at 10:30 and Spencer had a football game at 12:30. Spencer's team played well and won the last regular season game 22-6. After the game and quick shower we headed the 3 hours south to our cabin and property in southern Indiana. We got there just before 6 and quickly put our groceries away and changed clothes. By 6:20 we were in our stand trying to stop sweating (it was 81ºF when we got out of the truck).

We spooked one on the way to the stand, but didn't have to wait long for more action. About 30mins into our sit I heard what I figured were deer down by the creek. A moment later we spotted them as they started feeding their way up the old logging road that runs right behind our stand. It took a bit of wrangling, but we finally got Spencer on the gun with a suitable rest. The deer were coming from my side of the stand and the shooting rail was too short for him to use, so I propped my elbow there and he used my hand as a rest. The first one made it through the opening before he could get on it, but was ready for #2. The doe entered the shooting lane facing us. I cocked the hammer on the rifle and asked him if the dot was on her chest. He confirmed it was. I said "Wait" as I was hoping she'd turn broadside. Even after the fact, he's not sure what he heard me say, but BOOM barked the rifle. The doe took a couple of steps backward, turned and trotted off left flagging her tail. Once I got over the suprise of the gun going off I asked him what he thought I said and where the dot was.

"I thought you said shoot! The dot was right in the middle and was not wiggling", was his reply.

The tail flagging had me a bit concerned as I've never seen that on a hit deer. We talked through what had happened, but I cautioned him that he may not of hit her and explained why I thought so. He was okay with it and stated it was cool just to be seeing deer.

About 10 mins later a deer was trotting around behind us. We got the gun up as it, spots and all, came towards us, closing the distance to about 12' from the tree! Him and the fawn froze in a stare off then it moved on in front of us. He asked if he could shoot it and I said yes, but it didn't hold still long enough for him to get it in the scope. It buzzed in front, behind, and below us for about 15mins. We almost got a shot at it when it stepped through the opening where we had shot at the first one, but it was a bit too skittish. Which, got me to thinking, where's your mom?

About 40mins after we shot, we decided to try to find blood before it got too dark. We didn't find any in the big dirt spot she was standing so I starting moving the direction she went. About 5' out of the dirt, BINGO, blood! Just a few drops and then more and more. 60yards later...Spencer was able to put hands on his first deer!

He was a bit excited giving a couple of fist pumps then grabbed me in his biggest bear hug! It was quite the day.

It was still hot so we hurried through some pics and field dressing to get it to the processor. I generally cut them up myself, but with the temps and the busy week we have I splurged and spent the money. He will get to help me process some hopefully, later this year.

A very busy but very BIG day. Though he's been gone for 6 years, I did have some of my dad with me. I wore his old bibs, used his knife, and wore the jacket he bought me at 16. Thanks dad for getting me started in hunting and I hope your proud of how I'm trying to pass it on.
Thats what its all about!!! I still remember my first deer like it was yesterday, and I'm guessing he will too!!! Nice job!
Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Thanks for sharing such a great event with all of us. Congrats to Spencer.
Awesome - love seeing kids getting involved.

My 4 y/o daughter has been going on short little walks with me. The chance of getting one is low - but the memories are what matters. Great to see yours get one down (and a tracking job on top of it).

Thanks for posting it up.
Thanks guys! I will be sure to share all the kudos with him later tonight. He's ready to go again, but says he's gonna hold out of a buck... :D
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