NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Big Game Taste Test


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Beneath these Western Skies . . .
Sunday’s tend to be days to try new recipes and grill at our house. Tonight we had a taste test between antelope, caribou, and elk. All steaks were prepared the same way (i.e. wet aged, seasoned, doneness). Each person was given a slice of each steak on a plate and couldn’t vote until all the pieces of meat were gone off their plate.

Antelope took the top honor, followed by caribou, and then elk.

My wife swore up and down that she wouldn’t have voted for antelope as being the best, if she would’ve known! 😂

I really wish I had some bison, moose, and deer to throw into the fray.

For those of you who have tasted wild sheep, is it really the best? I’ve heard people rave about how good the meat is, but I wonder if their raving is rightly backed by the taste or just backed by the rareness of the sheep hunting experience.
Love doing the taste test with wife and kids. :)

I still think antelope is best. I love sheep and moose but a properly prepared antelope steak is pretty tough to beat imo. My latest sheep was just a little tough. Could have been a lot of things but we had it and antelope together and antelope was the easy favorite.
Love doing the taste test with wife and kids. :)

I still think antelope is best. I love sheep and moose but a properly prepared antelope steak is pretty tough to beat imo. My latest sheep was just a little tough. Could have been a lot of things but we had it and antelope together and antelope was the easy favorite.


I wish antelope were the size of elk, antelope meat is just so darn good!
I did an antelope and elk a while back too and the antelope was the winner! I can't believe how many people say they won't eat them because they are "gamey".
We have an office of mostly non-hunters. I made some comment that game was the same as beef. They all swore it was not, then followed it up with all sorts of claims, "antelope tastes like sage, mule deer are gamey... yadda yadda". So I made ground meat patties. 10% fat added so the texture was similar. And we did a blind taste test to see of people could identify the critter. I told them what the 4 animals were, beef, mule deer, pronghorn, and elk. The meat was in 4 tupperware bins marked A-D. No one got more than two correct. Everyone concurred it was a lot harder than they thought. My wife wrote the key on a sticky and put it in my wallet so even I didn't know. I only got 2 right and I was the one that processed and cooked!