Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Big Cats


New member
May 16, 2003
Well fellas, I just gotta ask. Im dying to get a lion. And im a poor SOB. Anybody wanna take me cat hunting just for shits and giggles? I live in Las VEgas, NV. Like I said, Im broke. But maybe we could work something out?

like we talked last night you live 2 hours from one of the best cat places in the usa..... Your allowed 1 perday until the quota is made....
I am going up soon and your welcome to tag along

So, Crapshoot lives close to one of the best Cat Houses in the USA? Which one are you going to Del?

The 1 per day quota seems reasonble.
OH crap I didnt even think about that... we dont even have to leave nevade for that kinda cat hunt..
I was talking lion.. then I was turned to the later..
but unit 13 a and b in AZ are awsum for cats and so is 12b

oh yeah... no offence crap but I dont want to go after the latter with you, it has nothing to do with your nick honest

I want a lion but cant afford big expenses. so tell me what ya got going.
PS , my lion tag is good for Nevada only. Sorry.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-29-2003 20:46: Message edited by: crapshoot ]</font>
what unit bumps aginst the az border. there are lots of lions and bobcats up there right on the border
up by the st george area we were talking about ... utah,nevada and az meet

I will find a map brb



there are some screen shots....

I dont either but I seem to bump into them alot when calling and in the country... Generally when callingyotes in the open country around kanab and st george we call on the flats with our backs to the canyons and trees and this is where most of the lions come out.

I specifically go out for lion but after a few hours I goto change spots see some dumb yote running down the feild and pull out my .243 with the 24x or my .300 with the 36x . get to a spot where I think I will intercept him for a good long range shot and wouldnt you know it a cat(bobcat or lion) comes from behind or I catch one out of the corner of my eye.. so the yote lives as I try to play John wayne with a over scoped rifle...

Ive only seen 2 cats in the same day once in my life(exluding the lakes) while hunting.. one was a few feet from me while calling in a yote with a over scoped rifle and after I missed the lion. I jumped in the truck and headed for anther spot... just in time to see a lion run across the road (about 1 mile from the other lion) I get out make a few calls(with the right rifle this time) and bang bang.. Since it was deer season I thought someone shot a deer that I spooked with the call.. I go up the road a little more hang a hard right and there sits a lady and her husband with a lion.. it was pretty cool...
we see alot of them while fishing the lake though.......

Not counting the lakes I have seen more lions in 13 A&b than in any other unit, next unit would be 12b..
As far as the lakes go it seem s like evry other trip we see them while fishing either at night or in the day, the lake I go to most has a ton of people on it and 3 lions as well... the other lakes are loaded with people and lions..

Love to help you out there crapshoot, I've hunted lion a little in Nevada myself. But like you, I'm a poor broke SOB.

You see, I just got billed $450 for getting my snowmobile clutch rebuilt after I wore it out pulling dogs around, my tracking receiver's on the fritz and that's going to cost me another $1,200, the $3,500 dog I bought ingested a piece of plastic and needs to be put down. My truck has over 300,000 miles on it, my county kennel license is up for review, and the neighbors are complaining about dogsh!t smell again.

Yeah, maybe we can work something out.
Hey Kev,

Would you be interested in selling any of that stuff? Cuz I'm looking for a snowmobile, a new tracking setup, a pickup and another dog, plastic or no plastic...

And I got $200 dollars burning a hole in my pocket.
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