BHA rendezvous news...

Nothing like walking into the bully's playground, calling him a puss, then kicking him in the sack so all of his friends can see.
I guess I see it differently. I would rather financially support the states/communities/public officials that support the BHA Mission. "Some" folks in UT are good at taking credit for others work and this could certainly be twisted.
"Some" folks in UT are good at taking credit for others work and this could certainly be twisted.

Point taken. I figure we can concede Utah and hope the message doesn't spread, which we can already see the problems with in surrounding states, or we can set up camp in their backyard and show them we're big, loud, and not going away.

I say we take the fight to Utah, not pretend that the anti-public-land-politicians give a rats @ss about the local economic impact of a Rendezvous. I guarantee that Rob Bishop would rather BHA not host a Rendezvous in Utah and raise awareness of public land hunters... I say that's exactly the reason to do it.

The primary goal of BHA is not to support restaurants and motels, it's to protect public land. So let's take the fight to the throat of the enemy.
I like your thinking, Grizz. I have been in on my share of political battles. People who's politics are motivated by how it fills
their wallet never want to be called out on the carpet. If you are going to hold it in Utah,make sure you have some sort
of peaceful demonstration to put an exclamation point on the "up yours Bishop".
I bet the Patagonia guy would help bring some bodies and wherewithall to the affair :hump:
I guess I see it differently. I would rather financially support the states/communities/public officials that support the BHA Mission. "Some" folks in UT are good at taking credit for others work and this could certainly be twisted.


Support those that have been doing the heavy lifting. Show Utah what it is missing by not being on-board.

Support those that have been doing the heavy lifting. Show Utah what it is missing by not being on-board.

I get that and it was why I originally rejected the idea. And I surely see why others feel that way. I'm about as unwelcome at SLC hunting events as is Stormy Daniels at an RNC fund raiser. (On second thought, I probably aught not use analogies with adult film stars.)

Thinking about it more, I've concluded what Utah is missing is not even a blip on their screen, either financially or messaging. In fact, I suspect their anti-public land zealots hope the message is never brought to their doorstep; easier for them to hold sway over the debate. The anti-public land UT delegation couldn't care less about the money merchants miss out on. They've demonstrated that time and again, most visibly when they let the huge Outdoor Rec show leave town. Staying away from them based on a perceived financial penalty seems insignificant and actually convenient for those who don't like to face tough realities that many of their citizens are sick and tired of the anti-public land stance.

I do think that raising the profile of the issue and giving the Utah hunters and anglers a place to show up and make their presence felt is way more beneficial than my personal worries about dropping some money for an event. Odds are, most the merchants in SLC who get a little of my money disagree with the fools running the anti-public land message.

Maybe I'm just tired of playing defense and letting anti-public landers use Utah as a safe space where they can base operations to mess with policy in other western states. I'd like to go on the offensive. I want to see them be on defense. It might not change a damn thing in the minds of those who control the political power in Utah, but I know a ton of Utah hunters and anglers who are great pro-public people. They, and their efforts, would benefit from a national/regional presence coming to Utah to support them.

Regardless of where it is held, I'm sure it will be a welcome relief for me from the mundane April task of disinheriting the Federal Treasury.
If they do decide on SLC for the next Rendezvous, the Utah chapters should find out which hotels and businesses near the meeting location are pro public land and put together a page or two of ads for them to give to visiting members when they enter the door of the Rendezvous.
My first response was, "No Way," or something more colorful. As I've thought about it, I kind of like the idea. Nothing like walking into the bully's playground, calling him a puss, then kicking him in the sack so all of his friends can see.

I laughed out loud at this. Thanks for the funny. But no way on Utah.
I propose SLC. A major point of BHA is "growing the tent" of sportsmen as Land Tawney mentioned at the Campfire.

What better way to show the power of the Public Lands Hunter than filling the Salt Palace!

I strongly think the next Rendevous should be in SLC. It's a no-brainer really. I have spent a good amount of time in UT in the field. And when I'm in the field I stop and talk to just about everyone I bump into. For years I used to be dumbfounded by how unaware and unconcerned avid UT sportsmen were about the UT model of land management and especially hunting permit privatization. But over really just the past five years it seems like the majority of UT sportsmen I meet in the field or elsewhere are really pissed about the sale of a huge number their hunting permits to the highest bidder at auctions or raffled off for the benefit of Don Peay et al and the anti-public land politics. BHA could really bring the emerging UT preference for public land and public hunting to the forefront by having the Rendevous in SLC.

On the flip side of the coin, I cannot understand why the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo is not under full boycott by companies, sportsmen and sportswomen, and personalities that advocate for public lands and public hunting. The Expo is ground zero for everything we stand against.
I completely disagree with the pro-SLC stance. If the entire OR industry couldn't sway them, a couple thousand BHA-ers sure as heck won't.
I completely disagree with the pro-SLC stance. If the entire OR industry couldn't sway them, a couple thousand BHA-ers sure as heck won't.

The "OR industry" doesn't vote in Utah. Utah's hunters and anglers do.

What it proves is that the threat of boycott doesn't affect politicians... Exactly the reason the Rendezvous should be held there, to make it about the voters.
What it proves is that the threat of boycott doesn't affect politicians... Exactly the reason the Rendezvous should be held there, to make it about the voters.

How many elections have there been since the OR boycott? Real question. I am guessing none, but I have been wrong before.
For the 12 month period, many of the smaller brands had nice increases, as did Patagonia, Arc’Teryx, Kuhl, Hydroflask, Sorel, Carhartt, and Adidas. Nike, Under Armour, The North Face, Yeti Coolers, and Columbia all posted declines.

After last week’s Outdoor Retailer show, it is clear that there is no new hot item or must-have category that is of scale to move the industry. While some brands will outperform, some of the larger brands will still lag the industry. I expect 2018 to be a year of discovering and transitioning for the outdoor industry, to better position it for the long-term growth it needs.

Probably should focus more on selling stuff.

Might I suggest Denver for BHA.

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