Caribou Gear

Best things done to improve hunting shooting

during the off season i shoot 2 or 3 times a week, 20 yd shots, only 3 arrows. i concentrate on drawing the bow, and form. then as i get closer to season, i still do 2 or 3 times a week, but i'll throw in using a 6 ft step ladder(if i'm at home) or my tree stand , so now balance is thrown in to the equation, as well as making sure to bend at the waist at the close shots, and start adding distance. also do a local 3-d tournament.
Switched to a two pin Spot Hogg Fast Eddie sight. My aging eyes were really struggling with the wad of 5 pins covering up the target. Hasn't bothered me for 20+ years, but last year I started to notice a change. Being able to focus on that single top pin with a clear sight picture has really helped. The down side of course is remembering to adjust for distance, and having time to do so. But I've found that I can set the main pin at 30 and only be a couple inches high at 20. The bottom pin takes care of 40. I'm pretty well covered for tree stand hunting here in Iowa. The test will be elk hunting and remembering to adjust for yardage when my brain goes to mush.
I'd say get a lesson from someone who knows what they are doing. You need proper form to perform at your best. Then once you have good form start shooting anywhere and anytime you can whether it's 3d or targets. Just get comfortable with your setup and shoot shoot shoot
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