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Best energy drink for long drive ahead


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
New Orleans, La.
Preparing to leave on my drive from New Orleans to Chama, NM. What do you use to help stay awake and alert during the long drive to your hunting area? The excitement for the adventure that lies ahead is a good boost to keep me going for about 10 or 12 hours, but then my eyelids get a little heavy. What do you drink to help keep you from riding the "Rumblestrip" ? I am not really a coffee drinker, so I was thinking something like 5 hour energy, Monster Energy, Or Rock Star. I am sure some things work for some people and not for others. I have a couple of days before I leave, so I can try one or two different things when going to work until I leave Thursday.
I use Monster's at work and for the occasional drive, but I'm not a huge fan. The excitement of going on the hunt should keep the heart rate up! I second the good night's sleep and if you feel tired, pull over early. Drowsy driving is just as bad as drunk/buzzed driving!
We just drove from NC to SW Montana. My buddy and I took turns driving (6ish hrs per turn), while the other took short naps. We stop each 6 hrs +/- and fill up on gas, walk around and maybe grab a bite. We did drink coffee some, but getting out and moving/jogging helped more than anything. We did stop at a rest area for 2 hrs for a nap and we stop in WY, about 5 hrs from our destination at a hotel to get a really good sleep and shower before the final leg so we feel good before packing everything in.
I've never tried any of the energy drinks you can get at gas stations but I tried some of these recently and they were not bad. Scroll down to the middle of the page for the drinks....

Very nutritious and has some natural caffeine. Whole Foods carry them around here...
Energy drinks make my heart race which I figure is a good reason to not drink them. Dill pickle sunflower seeds and mountain dew is my road trip choice. Drink tons and you will have to stop more often which in turn keeps you alert and awake.
Bold, black coffee is my preferred source of caffeine when I decide to indulge. I have had a few energy drinks though, and the only one I've found that I actually enjoy the taste of is Rockstar Whipped Strawberry. Tastes a whole lot like red cream soda to me.
Not exactly what you're asking, but one tip I have is to keep the cabin cool. Just slightly uncomfortable. For me, this keeps energy flowing and me more awake. The more comfortable I am, the easier it is to drift.
Dream of past setups that went wrong (or right for that matter!) and imagine what you could have done differently. I think those "daydream" scenarios get my heart beating harder than when I find myself in the situation. Energy drinks and coffee don't really help me, though sometimes I indulge in a Redbull just in case but find the crash later means I'll have to stop and nap one way or another. So now I will just find a place to get off the highway and close my eyes, if even for just 15 minutes, and then get out and walk around.
1 hour nap at a rest stop

This is what I do with a little coffee. It is amazing though how much a 1 hour cat nap will help you out on long hauls.

I tried a 5 hour energy once and apparently my system doesn't do well with that sort of drink because it ended up being 36 hour energy before I was able to get any sleep.
Coffee in moderation and a good downloaded or cd book.

NHY is spot on.

For 3 years I worked 2 jobs, one a night shift, and attended school full time. That was 60+ hours a week of work, 20 credits a semester, and an infant daughter. I have a Ph.D in energy drinks.

They're all the same. 150+ mgs of caffeine, Taurine, Guarana, chitloads of sugar(unless drinking a 0 calorie variety like XYIENCE), etc. They all work, though the main problem will be the crash. You can pound a 16 oz Monster(160 mgs of Caffeine), or and 8 oz Red Bull(80 mg) or any other type. They are all similar in their Caffeine per oz ratio. You'll feel good for the first 2 hours, then you'll need another, then 2 hours after that, with your heart fluttering in Preventricular contractions and your mind getting fuzzy, your skin clammy, and generally feeling like chit you can choose to have one more and risk really feeling bad, or succumbing to the crash.

Your best bet is to keep a steady stream of moderate amounts of caffeine(not the caffeine dumps of energy drinks), cold water, some stretching of the legs, don't eat big meals, and something that occupies your mind like the HuntTalk podcast. If you get tired don't fight it. Take a 30 minute powernap and you'd be amazed the difference.

My 2 cents.
I don't do energy drinks. I do drink diet soda. My advice is to know your limitations. I drive out west several times a year. I can drive straight through to CO, by myself, which is 18 hours. I have to split my MT drives into two days when I'm by myself. One 16 hour day and one 13 hour day. If there are two or three of us, we don't stop for the night driving to MT. We take turns driving and napping.
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I don't drink coffee or soda almost ever but I swear by ZipFizz. Energy but NO CRASH because there's no sugar, no taurine or other nasty stuff that's in the Red Bull/Monster. It's a major shot of vitamin B, some good electrolytes and a little bit of caffeine from Guarana.

Great for the drive, great for hiking/workouts/hunting.

Oh, and +1 on sunflower seeds.

edit: put the radio on to political talk that is the opposite of your viewpoint. It may raise your pulse level and make you red in the face, but I promise you won't want to fall asleep.
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