Belle fourche mule deer hunt(guide problems)


New member
Oct 11, 2018
Took my 15 yo son on first out west archery hunt this past week! Traveled from KY to Belle fourche Sd to mule deer hunt. We hunted all public land both BLM and walk in and had an awesome time, saw tons of deer. We hunted an area off Albion Rd North of Belle fourche, after several days of hunting a particular area, we had been seeing a couple good bucks in, we were stopped by another group of hunters on the road one morning who asked us to stay out of that area. It was a local guide outfit and they told us our atlas was wrong and that land had been sold by BLM and was now leased to them! I obliged and thanked them for letting us know and immediately drove to the BLM office in town. I showed the BLM officer the area in question. And after looking at his maps and conferring with the gis guy they assured me it had not been sold and they had trouble with the same guys before doing the same thing!! So please if you plan on hiring a guide do your homework and make sure what kind of people you are dealing with!!! This guy took a trip that was something very special to my family and I and put a negative light on it!! If you wanna do a trip like this it's very doable on your own!
Was anyone going to contact these clowns? If they have done this before they need to be dealt with. At least the BLM and GFP Conservation officer should pay them a visit and let them know that they will be on the radar from now on and will be checked multiple times per year to make their season a hassle if they are going to hassle other legal hunters! We had a similar deal last week in WY. I need to post that story, at least we got the last laugh at the end ;)
If someone did that to me these days, I would get it on video or at least voice recording. If they are lying, that's fraud and I would think they would have some liability for that.
Sorry to hear that! I shot a buck not too far from there and was harassed big time. I'm assuming because of the MN plates. There is a good ol' boy club out there. Hopefully the co will follow up.
I go through there all the time and a year ago i had a run in with a rancher just over the montana side of that same road. I to got a hold of blm. I had a gps so i also gave them the coordinates, and they did pay him a visit. Next time that happens, provided all your info is up to date, tell them to get the sheriff and the game warden and settle it. They wont push you any farther. These guys want all the blm and their properties for their clients. In my case the rancher said it was his land and i was showing him on the gps that we were standing on blm. He had no proof i wasnt. Told him i was contacting blm and if i was right i would be back. And i am, every year!
BLM officer told me he would address it with them. Hopefully he does , you know I had my teenage son with me and try to teach him to always do the right thing and some a** h*** pulls a stunt like this, I just hate that in my 40+ years of hunting that's it's turned into a business and these guys wanna pull stuff like this! I loved the country, the trip and the overall experience but it's definitely turned me off even more to guides and thier business. That being said I know there are some wonderful ones out there who don't operate this way,

I carry my cell phone with OnX just for this reason. If I see it’s legal area for me to hunt I don’t pay them a second more of attention. I’ve done plenty of battles on public land in the Midwest deer and duck hunting in my 40+ years of hunting public lands. This was before I woke up and got OnX.
I live just north of their and would like any information you can give me about the guy. I have heard of this happening numerous times and it needs to stop. I would also like my named cleared. So somebody does not mistake me for them.
Owner of shortgrass cattle was the one i had a run in with.
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I won't put any names because I don't think it's the right thing to do and don't want to hurt anyones reputation at all. I know that this may be a big part of someone's livelihood and don't want to cost anybody any business. I'm sure if you are not doing these kinds of things then you won't have any issues. I don't want to cause anyone any issues , I just want other people to be aware it does happen and don't let it scare em off of enjoying land we have all paid for.
This guy did this to you and you are worried about his reputation??:confused:
I forgive em and roll on never was my intent to hurt him or his business just wanted others aware to don't let it discourage them like it did us for a bit.
His behavior got him into this mess. Who cares if it costs him business or messes his reputation if you post his name. Seems well deserved.
I hear ya Cht! I'm the same way. Luckily I didn't have direct contact with the jerk in our situation, and it's not my place to list his name either. Best to move on and enjoy the rest of the trip.
I won't put any names because I don't think it's the right thing to do and don't want to hurt anyones reputation at all. I know that this may be a big part of someone's livelihood and don't want to cost anybody any business. I'm sure if you are not doing these kinds of things then you won't have any issues. I don't want to cause anyone any issues , I just want other people to be aware it does happen and don't let it scare em off of enjoying land we have all paid for.

That is chicken sh$t.

First of all you are the one that made the post complaining so stand up to your complaint. It must've bothered you some or you wouldn't have been squawking.

You gave their name to the BLM office so what's the problem.

I don't give a hoot about someone's livelihood that is breaking the law. I Damn sure give a hoot about my livelihood and business when we bust our butt to do things right.

My family outfits just up the road from there and this post could detour potential clients from coming to the area without names being named.

You even said before hiring a guide know who you're doing business with. How about a name so we know not who to do business with.
This action is considered hunter harassment in many states, and is a criminal violation. If someone is routinely engaging in criminal activity, preserving their reputation would be the last of my worries.
Like I said previously I want people to be aware that people like this are out there that will try to discourage them from using public land ( thier land) and don't stand by and let it happen! I'm sorry I've angered Dakota79 not my intent I don't consider it chicken sh*t I consider it good taste and yes it did bother my family and I.
It is not much help unless there is a name. I think everyone knows that this happens in many places, so that is not news. In the meantime, now EVERYONE out in that particular region will be viewed with greater suspicion even though 90% of them are innocent. So, not naming names does have a negative impact, but only on those not deserving.

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