Caribou Gear Tarp

Bear guns for what its worth

The 10mm Glock seemed like it got the job done right then and there. This guys videos are great, especially the one where he has that beast Eddie Hall shoot increasingly massive rifles.
Damn, the 1cm worked. There's going to be a lot of upset people in this thread. I'm excited to see how they try and discredit this one.

What is interesting is that the 12g slug didn't blow through. It penetrated about the same as the 10mm did, but in an already busted up bear head. The 10mm was in an unshot head.

"Shot placement is key"
That window licker tried to kill himself by shooting a 50 cal glorified pipe bomb, not going to give him any more clicks...
All the bear spray guys be like:

View attachment 317982

Last thread about grizzlies and defense, there was a guy who blamed people who carry sidearms for not being able to hunt grizzlies...
The human retardation hosing their family with bear spray as if it was mosquito spray...

"The customer who showed up at the sporting goods store was furious, and demanded to speak with a manager. When one arrived, he handed her a canister of bear spray and told her that she had sold him a “defective” product, and that it had sent his wife to the hospital when they tried to use it. The bear spray, he said, should never have been allowed on store shelves.

“I asked, well, how did it cause your wife to go to the hospital?” said the manager, who spoke on condition of anonymity because her employer had not authorized her to talk to the media. “And he said ‘I was 15 feet away, and I sprayed my wife with this bear repellent, and it burned her.’” The man, it turned out, mistakenly believed that bear spray worked like bug spray and applied the high-test pepper solution to his wife’s skin, hair, and eyes.

It’s a mistake that’s so absurd, it would almost be funny—if it didn’t keep happening. Each year, Backpacker hears anecdotes about hikers who aren’t used to traveling in grizzly country spraying their tents and backpacks with bear spray, believing that it will repel hungry or curious bruins. A smaller number use it on themselves, with disastrous results.

As for the sporting goods store return, the manager’s attempts to point out the picture of a person using the spray against a bear, and not on, for example, his wife, fell flat. The irate customer, an international tourist whose first language wasn’t English, wasn’t getting the message, and the store ended up giving him his money back.


Reality? I typically carry both when in bear country.

Reasoning is simple: #1. Wind #2. Threat level and #3. Necessity for immediate action - what's most readily available.
As for Spray, there is a great record of events that strongly support the use of spray and if one is not comfortable with a handgun with repetition in the use - likely spray is the better option:


As for the B.S. common whambulance HT members who press their opinion upon others in their condecending arrogance they far too often trip over...

Law enforcement decision to use a firearm says volumes for the value of a firearm. One example:


Most notable: Law enforcement shot this bear and it "died" 20 yards from their position... I'll repeat for those lacking reading comprehension, Twenty YARDS. They did not wait until the grizzly was in range of bear spray. This bear was dead at 20 yards. They shoot at 25 yards? 30 yards? What is stated by Montana Government, the bear no mas life at 20 yards.

To each his/her own when deciding what is best to use in griz country. There is absolutely no law that says a person must carry bear spray and use first before a firearm. There is a law that does say a person may use deadly force if fear of serious injury or death may result...

What type of firearm and round? That's a loaded question... :ROFLMAO:
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