Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Basic spotting scope question (not brand related)


Mar 30, 2016
I am starting to look for my first spotting scope. I was wondering if you all can help me decide between an angled or straight scope. In your opinion what has worked best for you all that have them and what do you like and dislike. I get some are easier to look up with and some are easier to look down with.

So please commit away.
I use an angled scope, and with a good tripod, I haven't looked at anything steep enough downhill yet that I would have needed a straight tube. one thing I like about the angled is that if your are in your vehicle, you can tun the scope sideways and look without trying to turn your body as much.
I use angled as well, In a vehicle, a straight would probably be better, but i like to actually hunt.

I like the angled for say sitting on a hillside and you can look with binos, and then when you wanna check out something further glance down into your spotter which is always out of the way of using your binos.
I use straight. When switching from binoculars to a spotting scope on a tripid it is much easier to relocate the game with straight
I'd listen to the Jay Scott Outdoors podcast, episode 206. They have a discussion on this topic.

This is one of those debates that just goes back to personal preferences.
let us know what you decide and why. I think it is always good to understand another person's opinion for future reference.
I use angled as well, In a vehicle, a straight would probably be better, but i like to actually hunt.

I like the angled for say sitting on a hillside and you can look with binos, and then when you wanna check out something further glance down into your spotter which is always out of the way of using your binos.

I get out and pound ground when hunting, but sometimes when scouting with the wife and kid, it's nice to throw the spotter on the truck window and check things out! I use that same method when glassing, I have the spotter right with me do a scan of the terrain, then I can just look down into my scope to start picking apart the terrain.
I will it probably will not be until Aug. But I will post what and why.
On a straight I always feel like my neck is kinked. While glassing I'm usually sitting down looking over the spotting scope and angles always feels better to me even if it maybe takes a little bit to find where I was looking.