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Baseball fans - Beat the Streak


Dec 23, 2000
Have any of you played Beat the Streak on I've played the last 3 years or so, and suck. :D The idea is that you pick a player each day that you think will get a hit, and you try to beat DiMaggio's streak. If your player doesn't get a hit, your streak returns to 0 and you start over. I don't think anyone has ever done it, but there are prizes for the top players each year.

Probably the hardest part is remembering to go make your picks every couple of days. You can make selections several days ahead, which helps. I set up a Hunttalk group if anyone wants to join. The name of the group is "Hunttalk", and the password is "OYOA".
The longest streak ever was 49, 7 short of beating the streak. I bet he was sick!
Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer. -Ted Williams
Boys of summer shud start in summer....boys of winter should be over by now but Hockey will last til mid May and beisbol starts with snow and ends....???? sometime....
I am all about that Double up lol. I am half way to a double up on the 1st day already.
Hey Oak, are you doubling down to get there quicker, or playing it safe?

Played it safe the first day...didn't matter. :D Then I saw jabber 2 games ahead and thought I better double up.

It's really harder than you think. In 3 years, my longest streak is 20, and second is 8!
Wow. Definitely harder than it looks. Doubled up and both of my guys have an 0 fer Opening Day. Good grief. With my poor baseball and March Madness picks, it can only mean one thing--some bull elk out there is enjoying his last spring before he comes home with me in the fall.
I only got 1 of 2 yesterday, so down in flames. I was feeling pretty good about myself, having already beaten my longest 2011 streak. :rolleyes:

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