Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bambistews 2012 brown bear hunt

Sorry for the lack of updates... sparadic internet connections in the hills...

I wouldn't be surprised if this gets stretched out until the spring season.

Wonder how many people have called in a brownie and shot it from a tree stand?
Sorry for the lack of updates... sparadic internet connections in the hills...

I wouldn't be surprised if this gets stretched out until the spring season.

Wonder how many people have called in a brownie and shot it from a tree stand?

Find some little punter yapper dog and tie him to your tree:):) SHoot him with a bb gun every now and then.........i'm sure it will bring one in:)
Sorry about the wait. We were not sure how happy Bambi was about the hole in the tent so we didn't wanna post and make him mad and thought he might need to cool off a bit.

As many know B-stew is "Professional Hunter" and King of Narnia. He was really jazzed about his new plates that came in last week.

Also i know that Cushman has been blowing up my inbox wondering what coffee pot we have been using, so here it is and good luck finding one.

We did end up getting some hunting in once the hangovers faded from the night before but it had snowed quite a bit. Lucky that bambi had his snow camo and blended in well as we went after a few bears.

The satellite internet goes down this time of day so maybe ill get an update out later. Bambi keeps saying he wants to let them grow till spring so ill be taking recommendations on tree stands with cup holders and coolers on the bottom.
Felt like it was desk pop time at work today, but it's only been a few months since my last one so I figured I'd hold out a bit longer.

You guys are having way too much fun for an Alaskan hunt!
And if Indian Larry and WDH cannot get the guiding done, I 'm going to send up Mr. Muledeer to help Bambi get his dream bear.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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