Backyard Buck


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
SE Minnesota
So I've hunted on a family hunting property in Minnesota my whole life. 4 years ago I moved just across the border into Wisconsin. I decided to buy my first Wisconsin hunting license this year in hopes that I could sit in my back yard with my sons and at least get to hunt with them more there since it's a ways to the MN hunting property. A couple days after I purchased my license, I got these pictures. Easily the biggest buck I've gotten a picture of in my yard. I wish it were on our property in MN since I would be a lot more optimistic about my chances of getting him, but it's still exciting to have him around! I doubt I'll ever see him in person, but we'll see!


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So I've hunted on a family hunting property in Minnesota my whole life. 4 years ago I moved just across the border into Wisconsin. I decided to buy my first Wisconsin hunting license this year in hopes that I could sit in my back yard with my sons and at least get to hunt with them more there since it's a ways to the MN hunting property. A couple days after I purchased my license, I got these pictures. Easily the biggest buck I've gotten a picture of in my yard. I wish it were on our property in MN since I would be a lot more optimistic about my chances of getting him, but it's still exciting to have him around! I doubt I'll ever see him in person, but we'll see!
Welcome to SW WI :)
Now is the time. A couple of the best hunts I’ve ever had have been in the “backyard.” My son’s first buck was taken in the backyard. Go get him. Good luck!
Unfortunately my camera batteries died while I was hunting in MN last week, so I haven't gotten any recent pictures of the big guy. I did have this new buck show up last night. Firearm season opens on Saturday, and hopefully something will come along during the day when I'm out there with my two oldest boys.


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