NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Backcountry Camp Shoes


Active member
Jan 28, 2013
Omaha, NE
I found these camp shoes a couple years ago. I expected for them to fall apart quickly based on the price but instead they have been awesome. Used them a ton and crossed some large creeks with them with no problems. Ultralight + cheap + durable = awesome.

Just want to pass on this find for those of you who are in the market for good backcountry camp shoes on the cheap in preparation for this Fall.

I avoided wearing the camo ones that my inlaws gave me for Christmas a while back for a few years until a trip to the boundary waters. I never wore the other hikers that I brought with on that trip and they continue to be my little backcountry secret.
I paid extra for holeless crocs. First time I put them on I was "meh". Now I'm really liking them.
Had my crocs for years, got them on sale.... I'll have to keep these in mind when my crocs finally hit the ……………...
I have fleece lined ones for my camp shoes. Dont care what my buddies say
I've got crocs I wear as camp shoes. Around the house, I wear them to and from the hot tub, and also use them as birth control. Seems like a fair trade.
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I picked up a set of crocs over xmas for camp shoes and river crossings. I now find myself wearing them around the house all the time for quick trips to the store, taking trash out, getting mail,...etc.
I don't care if my dignity leaks out of the holes in crocs, I love mine.

I think more dignity leaks out if their not even real crocs but rather from Walmart hahaha. Function over fashion is my motto.

Wearing fake crocs as I'm typing this. I wear them in and around the house all the time.

I like to refer to them as “Frocs”. I’m liking your idea. I think I might splurge and get another pair for around the house.
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I use the same exact pair as yard shoes around the house for when I go feed the dogs, take out the trash and what not. Just be careful, dogs like to chew them! lol I'm on my 3rd pair, but I think I've finally broke my wife's lap dog from chewing them up. Good stuff otherwise.
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Don’t leave them out in the really hot sun on pavement, they won’t fit quite the same again.
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