AZ Draw, Should I Do It?

You will still be able to get in the sheep and deer drawings in June and the crane drawing in August. Don't forget about turkey, bear and lion also. Put in for spring turkey in the kaibab and you will be miles ahead in knowing the country when you do draw that kaibab deer tag. I shouldn't tell you this, but the spring turkey tag for the kaibab is almost a 100% draw. Now I've done it, should keep my mouth shut. There is a great spring buffalo hunt in the kaibab too. A tough draw, but go for it. GJ
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I guess if you're from Minnesota you can always just stay home, shovel snow, and watch the Vikings on TV rather than put that AZ license to use.

I'm not saying is has to be $15, what I'm saying is for a state to force you to buy something before you can even apply to get points or put in for a tag should be illegal. Think of it this way...Let's say you want to go in and buy a certain food at the store, but in order to buy that food you have to buy 3 gallons of milk BEFORE you can buy the food you want. How would you like that rule? I mean seriously...I live in MN, how the hell a am I supposed to get good use of a license 2000 miles away? I could not even get use of it if I lived 100 miles away IMO. It does not "weed" people out like you think, what is does is stop good sportsman that would like to hunt AZ from doing so based on money and miles and for me that is a sad way of doing business. So you buy this license for 8 years on top of all the bonus point you pay for. Now maybe it's not 8 years, but how ever many it takes to draw the tag you want. In my eye's, no it's not worth it is all I'm saying and to force someone to buy something before that can apply/buy something else should be deemed illegal.

As far as buying groceries go, we could use Costco for an example. There, they don't force you to buy milk, but you have to buy a membership to even walk in the door. But people pay it because in the end membership is a good deal-- if you show up to use it. Really though, buying groceries at a store is not a good analogy. Those are private companies selling private resources, not a public entity selling opportunity at a public resource. I get that you don't want to be taken advantage of for being a NR, but wildlife management is expensive. AZ doesn't have the herd sizes of a lot of states, hence a lower volume of tags. The price of tags has to make up for this lower volume.

Take a look at AZ resident prices-- I'm not aware of a western state that has higher resident prices. A combo hunt/fish license costs me $57. An elk tag costs $148 whether it's a bull or cow tag. General deer-- $58. A tag for a stink ass little javelina costs me $38. Residents of some states pay less than that to hunt big ass stinkin' bull elk. If you're an AZ resident that just wants to go on a rifle deer hunt, it'll cost you $94 in license and tag fees. What do you pay to hunt deer in your state? Given all of this, I don't think it's fair to say that AZ is trying to gouge NRs to pay for management.

A. it's not a burn
B. yes is weeds me out, but not for the reason he supplied. It weeds me out because I'm unwilling to pay $!50 for a license I would never use and that is the sad part, I would love to hunt there but I'm unwilling to pay the hostage fee to play the game.
C. Costco as an example is no where near the same as Costco is only 8 miles from me, not 2000 miles. :) You can use any analogy you want, if I force you to buy something to get something else it's wrong.

I get why some of you pay it, you feel it's worth it, He asked and I said no and for the reasons I stated. There no need to be butt hurt and slam me for that. :) I have thick skin though...
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I can see both sides of this discussion. However, Arizona is not the only state that makes you pay. Yes, they do not refund your license money, but when you figure the total price of license and tag, they are not far off of other western states. I can't say that I like it either and will not ever put in for elk in Arizona, because they charge the same high price for cows as bulls, but that is my decision, as I am not going to pay the high price in any state for antlers.

That being said, I may put in again for Coues, even javelina. If I do not get drawn, I will be returning for outstanding quail hunting with my friends. Unfortunately, big game hunting is becoming a money game and it is going to get no better, because at whatever price they charge, states get more than enough people to buy the tags.

The bottom line is that you either put up or shut up, because unfortunately, it is what it is.
A. it's not a burn
B. yes is weeds me out, but not for the reason he supplied. It weeds me out because I'm unwilling to pay $!50 for a license I would never use and that is the sad part, I would love to hunt there but I'm unwilling to pay the hostage fee to play the game.
C. Costco as an example is no where near the same as Costco is only 8 miles from me, not 2000 miles. :) You can use any analogy you want, if I force you to buy something to get something else it's wrong.

I get why some of you pay it, you feel it's worth it, He asked and I said no and for the reasons I stated. There no need to be butt hurt and slam me for that. :) I have thick skin though...

Guys might be a bit less "butt hurt" if you worked on your delivery...your "held hostage" comment was ignorant and you got back just what you gave out.

Arizona has great opportunities for many species common and uncommon. I take advantage of hunting there every chance I get and have been fortunate to hunt Coues and mule deer a number of times, elk twice hopefully a third this year, Merriams turkey, and soon with 23 points Goulds turkey, and eventually pronghorn and desert sheep. Lots of others stuff as well including stellar bear hunting on top off what everyone else mentioned with small game and otc tags. Predators out the ting yang as well.

Obviously many disagree with your ASSessment. If you would have said, I don't think it is worth the $150 each year to apply on top of the application fees, much of the "butt hurt" directed at you would have not been written.

Additionally, once drawn, AZ tag fees for NR are very competitive.
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Span two years with the license and an AZ Elk point is about $90. Wyoming $50, Utah about $43.

Exactly. It might be double the cost of Utah, but I actually expect that I'll draw an elk tag someday in AZ. It only works if you are ok with getting deer or sheep points every other year.
Don't listen to Buzz, AZ is awful, those pictures are obviously from Wyoming.

Honestly the fewer people that think AZ is worth it, the closer my points are to getting me a tag.
Much as I hate to say it, you have to think of applying as a long shot investment. Will it pay off? I have drawn both desert and rocky mtn sheep tags in AZ, as well as a NR rocky mtn sheep tag in CO. I've got other tags out there yet. Will they come in ???, but I keep soldiering on and if the past is a prequel to the future there may be one or two more for me. Randy's quote about running out of time before running out of money is to true. A year can turn into five and then fifteen. Get started in AZ and NV now. I personally know of a guy who drew an AZ rocky mtn sheep tag with 6 points. Last year AZ split up the drawing system so that you have a double chance in each draw, so its possible to draw for a "top shelf" tag even if you don't have 24 points. Get on with it. FWIW. GJ
Span two years with the license and an AZ Elk point is about $90. Wyoming $50, Utah about $43.

I'm pretty sure AZ wised up and closed that loophole. At least the way I read it...
"An applicant must possess a license (including lifetime, pioneer or disabled veteran’s) that is valid on the last day of the application deadline for that draw."

Anyway, it's probably not worth it if you're a NR that's only interested in hunting 1 species. I'm fine for NR's ponying up to pay to apply and even hunt in AZ. I am, however, looking for a way to discourage more residents from applying for early archery elk tags, as they are my real competition for drawing. ;) BTW, I'm more than a little bit humbled that Buzz has killed so many more fine animals in my home state than I have.
I don't think it's possible to span two years with one license in AZ anymore.

MN public land, it certainly did weed you out. You said you didn't apply because the cost is too high (You aren't going to pay the $150). If it was cheap as you advocate, more people buy points and draw odds go down. When costs are higher, fewer people apply. Odds are better. You responded to the incentives.

No one is forcing you to buy anything. You can choose to apply in AZ and purchase a license. Or, you can decide not to apply in AZ and not pay a fee. Completely your decision. Everyone plays by the same rules. You made the decision not apply; nobody forced you to do anything. You aren't compelled to purchase a hunting license anywhere. You make the decision.
It's quite possible.
Last day of Elk apps in 2017 was Feb 14; last day of Elk apps in 2018 will be Feb 13. Last day of Elk apps in 2019 will be Feb 12. License is good for 365 days. Works very well for a person building points.
I don't think it's possible to span two years with one license in AZ anymore.

MN public land, it certainly did weed you out. You said you didn't apply because the cost is too high (You aren't going to pay the $150). If it was cheap as you advocate, more people buy points and draw odds go down. When costs are higher, fewer people apply. Odds are better. You responded to the incentives.

No one is forcing you to buy anything. You can choose to apply in AZ and purchase a license. Or, you can decide not to apply in AZ and not pay a fee. Completely your decision. Everyone plays by the same rules. You made the decision not apply; nobody forced you to do anything. You aren't compelled to purchase a hunting license anywhere. You make the decision.

Here in Nebraska is a prime example of the odds going down. It only costs us $10 to apply for an elk tag, so everybody will pitch in $10. Consequently, the odds of drawing a permit (which are very low anyway), go down.
LOL....I don't cry...I just give my opinion where asked and it is what it is...Some people spend thousands to get an AZ elk tag.....just not me :) I spend on more costly ridiculas things like cars :)
Yep, we have very different priorities. Neither of the two vehicles I drive have less than 144K miles on them. I plan on taking one or both on hunting trips this year much farther than the 100mi that would separate you from using a hunting license. Heck, I'm going farther than that on Sunday night just to spend some time with my two boys on our place doing things like shooting guns and cutting down trees...
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