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AZ Draw, Should I Do It?


New member
Jan 8, 2017
I know we're down to the wire, so any answers I can get are welcome. But is it worth it to apply for AZ points? I know it's potentially the best state but points are kind've expensive. I feel like I will be fine hunting OTC tags as well as applying for points in CO, WY, MT, and drawing the occasional NM/ID tags. But will I be kickin' myself 5 years down the road when I'm a little older and money's less of an issue? Thanks!
Only you can answer that for you. I hunt AZ as a non-resident each year for birds or javalina so the license cost is a cost I would incur anyway. Best of luck whatever you decide.
Arizona is one of my favorite places to hunt as a NR, well worth it for the variety and usually the weather is awesome.
Do it. Like you said, years down the road when you are in an even better financial situation you will be glad you did!
If AZ is the state that forces you to pay for a $150 license (hostage fee) before you can apply then's not worth it IMO. No state should be allowed to impose this kind of hostage fee. It's really sad that sportsman allow this type of stuff to happen. If people quit paying it, I'm sure it would go away. Off soapbox.
If AZ is the state that forces you to pay for a $150 license (hostage fee) before you can apply then's not worth it IMO. No state should be allowed to impose this kind of hostage fee. It's really sad that sportsman allow this type of stuff to happen. If people quit paying it, I'm sure it would go away. Off soapbox.

I originally hated the concept of mandatory non-refundable licenses as well, but, as Fin has proven on film recently, AZ's can be a damn fun license in 'off' times of year for most other places. Same can be said of the other states that require one. Looking at it another way - they are only a hostage fee if you choose not to use them (which is often difficult, granted).

Made me think of WY (where I buy a license anyway, but that's beside the point)- which does not require a hunting license - it's cheaper overall in AZ if you apply for even a few species - (excluding the application fees which are comparable):

WY - Elk, Antelope, Deer, Sheep = $225 in point fees (not including my moose point @ $75) - including a sheep point that is more or less worthless to me as a low point non-resident.

AZ - Elk, Antelope, Deer, Sheep = $160 in 'license' fees - and including 2 species that are more or less (but not as bad as WY since they are bonus points) worthless to me as a low-to-mid-point non-resident.

The difference, excluding sheep, is that you could forgo points in WY and still be in the random draw.

NV and ID have the license reqmt also, (in NV's case, as with WY, you can forgo points for a refund on the license).

In ID, there's not a direct comparison since there are no points. That seems the strangest to me. But better than a point system :)
If AZ is the state that forces you to pay for a $150 license (hostage fee) before you can apply then's not worth it IMO. No state should be allowed to impose this kind of hostage fee. It's really sad that sportsman allow this type of stuff to happen. If people quit paying it, I'm sure it would go away. Off soapbox.

Funny. I don't think I've ever heard of a hunting and fishing license referred to as a hostage fee.

Sorry, but I'm not sorry that NRs can't just buy their points at $15 a pop.
AZ is a great state to hunt and with a little planning can be done every year for something.
Its worth points for deer and elk. 1 trophy antelope if you're lucky
If AZ is the state that forces you to pay for a $150 license (hostage fee) before you can apply then's not worth it IMO. No state should be allowed to impose this kind of hostage fee. It's really sad that sportsman allow this type of stuff to happen. If people quit paying it, I'm sure it would go away. Off soapbox.

I like how it weeds out alot of people who would rather just have to pay $15 for a point. There would be even more point holders and it would be even harder to draw a tag. I'm not sure you will find better elk hunting in the U.S.. Plus, the other hunting opportunities in AZ are endless.
If AZ is the state that forces you to pay for a $150 license (hostage fee) before you can apply then's not worth it IMO. No state should be allowed to impose this kind of hostage fee. It's really sad that sportsman allow this type of stuff to happen. If people quit paying it, I'm sure it would go away. Off soapbox.

and draw odds would get worse. I bet AZ could double its license and tag fees and still fill its quota.

To the OP, I think it is definitely worth it.
Funny. I don't think I've ever heard of a hunting and fishing license referred to as a hostage fee.

Sorry, but I'm not sorry that NRs can't just buy their points at $15 a pop.

I like how it weeds out alot of people who would rather just have to pay $15 for a point. There would be even more point holders and it would be even harder to draw a tag. I'm not sure you will find better elk hunting in the U.S.. Plus, the other hunting opportunities in AZ are endless.

I'm not saying is has to be $15, what I'm saying is for a state to force you to buy something before you can even apply to get points or put in for a tag should be illegal. Think of it this way...Let's say you want to go in and buy a certain food at the store, but in order to buy that food you have to buy 3 gallons of milk BEFORE you can buy the food you want. How would you like that rule? I mean seriously...I live in MN, how the hell a am I supposed to get good use of a license 2000 miles away? I could not even get use of it if I lived 100 miles away IMO. It does not "weed" people out like you think, what is does is stop good sportsman that would like to hunt AZ from doing so based on money and miles and for me that is a sad way of doing business. So you buy this license for 8 years on top of all the bonus point you pay for. Now maybe it's not 8 years, but how ever many it takes to draw the tag you want. In my eye's, no it's not worth it is all I'm saying and to force someone to buy something before that can apply/buy something else should be deemed illegal.
I'm not saying is has to be $15, what I'm saying is for a state to force you to buy something before you can even apply to get points or put in for a tag should be illegal. Think of it this way...Let's say you want to go in and buy a certain food at the store, but in order to buy that food you have to buy 3 gallons of milk BEFORE you can buy the food you want. How would you like that rule? I mean seriously...I live in MN, how the hell a am I supposed to get good use of a license 2000 miles away? I could not even get use of it if I lived 100 miles away IMO. It does not "weed" people out like you think, what is does is stop good sportsman that would like to hunt AZ from doing so based on money and miles and for me that is a sad way of doing business. So you buy this license for 8 years on top of all the bonus point you pay for. Now maybe it's not 8 years, but how ever many it takes to draw the tag you want. In my eye's, no it's not worth it is all I'm saying and to force someone to buy something before that can apply/buy something else should be deemed illegal.

Good stay home in Minnesota and miss out on a great elk hunt in AZ every 2-4 years. While you're at it stay there and miss out on Coues deer hunts as often as you want. Miss out on hunting quail and javelina any year you want. Ever fished in AZ? Its crazy good fishing there.

Of all the States I apply for, its the one state I never mind paying for the license or applying. The quality of the experience there is worth every penny I've spent. Every time I draw a tag there I know its going to be a great hunt.

Apparently having to contribute to wildlife management via buying a hunting license "weeds out" a few people...

BTW, nothing to do with your license in AZ:








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Just nothing to do with that license:



I just cant believe how Arizona holds a guy hostage with that license...please, take off the shackles!


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Dang Buzz. Those are some nice critters! Especially the ram. I'm guessing elk will be on the menu fairly soon?
I think that one reason that many states require the license purchased is for the money directly, and then the Pittman-Robertson money that comes with licensing. Kansas in the last several years changed its licensing for folks over 65 years old. It used to be you were not required to have a general license for hunting and fishing, now it is required. This allows to increase the numbers of dollars coming to Kansas via PR.

RE "Arizona draw, should I do it" can't draw if you don't apply......may the odds always be in your favor.
Thanks for all the input folks! Definitely will be applying in the future. Unfortunately, I elected to pass this year and put that money towards building my elk-gear arsenal for my first elk hunt this year in CO (or NM with fingers crossed). Somewhat regretful that I didn't put in this year, but can't change it now. That money will be spent well on some new gear though!
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