Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Axl finds a trophy limit


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Decide to take a day off work (I wasn't haven't much fun there anyway).;)

I got to the marsh and things are looking good, nice wind and good direction. Dekes are out and now Ax and I wait for shooting light. Finally I am able to pick out colors and then the wind stops. Crap, we watch the sun come up and it looks like the decoys are sitting on a mirror. Not many birds in the air and the ones that do check out the spread can be heard laughing as they pass on by.

End up shooting a nice mallard a couple hours into the hunt and Axl brings him in.

My watch is in the dry bag and I decided to call it a morning at 10:00. Sum-bitch, it is 10:13! Let's go until 11:00 instead.:D All of the sudden strong winds come out of the north and with it lots-O-birds.
First a drake redhead comes in the dekes and is quickly dispatched. Axl saves me a muddy trip.

Next a bull can comes tearing through. I drop the drake and watch the hens continue. Crap, he is down, but lots of life. Canvasbacks can be difficult for any dog especially with the muddy conditions (1 foot of water and 2 feet of water). I throw some steel at him on the water, but he is too far for my pattern. Axl is off to the races and my money is on the bird. This should be interesting; curious how far Ax will go before the figures this is futile.

At about 200 yards, and gaining no distance on the can, he is still going. At this point 1/2 dozen mallards are cupped on the spread. I drop two of the drakes and figured with the shooting Ax would decide these would be a little easier. Nope, he is still going. At about 400 yards he disappears around an edge and out of site. Suddenly another redhead comes through and is quickly dispatched. Now what, three birds dead on the water and I am not fighting the mud to get them. Couple more minutes pass and no pup. Pretty sure he is not going to drown, but I am beginning to wonder. Couple more minutes and I have decided to get the boat.

On the way there, I see what I first think is just a duck out there, but it is headed towards me. My stress subsides and I am laughing that he finally gave up. A couple minutes later I notice he has something in his mouth. Holy shit, he got him. He returns a very lively can to hand and my molars to his head leads to me getting a bloody face and the shit slapped out of me by a couple wings.:D

I am so proud I almost forget about the floaters. I line him up and release him. Bam, straight line to the first one and make three nice blinds with my release on each retrieve.

Sorry, bit long there. For those bored enough to endure, thanks. Proud daddy.
Dude.. You story and Pictures beat porn EVERY TIME !!!!

Did you ever know you're my hero ?

Hell, That should be my signature .....
Same thing I was just thinking...

I always look foward to craig and axle stories, it makes duck hunting alot of fun.

Nice job both of you ;)


Great hunt and as always great pics. Better give Axl an extra treat for retrieving that Can!!!!

JoseCuervo said:
Can Axl make puppies?
I wish. When we moved from the country to the town of Havre, he decided to take a walk about for 5 days. His marbles came off shortly there after.:eek:

Figured that took away all his hump drive, but a gal at work watched him a couple weeks ago while I was out of town. Apparently the red-rocket was out most of the time...that's my boy.hump
GREAT pics once again Craig! Just curios, how far from "home" do you have to drive to get into that kind of hunting? When I had good water 15 minutes from my old place my Chessie and I were duck hunting mofos....just not the same where I live now.

Gotta love a good blind retrieve...makes all the hours of training worthwhile! hump
Great doggity dog there Craig. It almost makes me want to take up waterfowling again. It makes you darned proud when they make a spectacular retrieve.

Tomorrow is the SD pheasant opener for residents. The dogs are psyched, the shotgun clean and 2 boxes of hi-brass 6's ready to go.
mtmiller your posts with Axl just help reinforce to the wife that I'm becoming insane. She doesn't see the humor of me making Koda look at the pictures while I read him the stories.
Thanks guys. Marv, ducks aren't too far away, about an hour west. Often I just sleep in the pick-up instead of driving back and forth.

Bambi, last year I killed 78 ducks and they all became jerky. It disappeared quickly between work and hunting with my friends back in SD. I just tried a new, non-jerky, recipe last week and I really enjoy it. I have been keeping the numbers down by eating lots lately. Also found a person who takes some off my hands. Not sure which is more valuable, a good hunting spot or finding someone that helps with the consumption.:D
I'll give you 50 bucks for that mutt, and throw in a 93 Geo Prism, what you say?
Damn, even i am proud of Ax, probably because he reminds me of my old buddy of the past.
As always great pics and a great story. Sure hope my pup turns out to be half that good.

Keep the stories coming.
If only you could shoot as well as your dog retrieves there wouldn't be that problem:p

Great story and pics!
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