Audiobooks/Podcasts for Long Drive


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Many of you east coast guys have a longer drive west than I do to Colorado, but 14 hours is still a decent amount of windshield time.

Outside of the usual hunting podcasts, any good ones or audiobooks to listen to on the drive? Serial or the Man in the Mask were good, long investigations/stories that knocked down my last long haul.
Not sure how you feel about historical fiction, I just listened to Ridgeline and it was good
History that doesn't suck, real dictators, a short history of, legends of the old west, infamous America, hunt talk, tundra talk, the way I heard it
Labyrinth of Ice. It will make whatever conditions you have on the hunt seem like staying in the Hilton.
Seems everyone on HT headed to CO this week 😂

Ready Player One is a great audio book and lasts 15 hours
A coworker enlightened me to the Libby app. Lots of free audiobooks on there, just have to sign up with your library card. I downloaded some Louis lamore stuff when I drove to CO last month. Also American Assassin by Vince Flynn. Almost done with it and it is entertaining.
Warfare, The Ancients, Gone Medieval, Beyond the Kill, Breaking Points, From the Back Burner are some podcasts I like to listen to
I get a lot of Windshield time for work and just finished a good murder mystery audio books. Texas Ranger by James Patterson. The Highway by CJ Box is another good one. The Micheal Bennett series by James Patterson is also good.
Crow Killer The story of liver eater Johnson

Empire of the Summer Moon

Both of those audio books are good if you haven't already heard/read them
Sand County Almanac never gets old

A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st century was pretty good for non-fiction

Meateater's Campfire Stories: Close Calls

Bernard Cornwell's Saxon Series...13 books, you can go back and forth across the country a few times with all of 'em! Just start at the beginning and go in order.

The Art of Manliness podcast
I want to be entertained and not have to concentrate on what I'm listening to. These are some of my recent books I've purchased from Audible.

Lizbeth Salandar series. (The girl with the dragon tattoo) and 5 others. About 12 hours each.

Harry Potter. Great narration.

I listened to Tai Pan by James Clavell during my month long cow hunt in August. 34 hours! Also great narration.

Cormac McCarthy 's books are also good listens.
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