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Audio of Call with OIA and Governor Herbert


Active member
Oct 27, 2011
Riverton UT
Governor Herbert supports legislative process involving all parties, asks for time, and clearly states willingness to continue efforts. OIA makes judgement, characterizations about Utah, interrupts the Governor several times, and demands timeline.

Audio Link -

Words and tone are telling; who wanted to work towards collaboration, and who wanted what they wanted.
Lol, the Legislative Process? Is that why they continually assign funds for suing the Federal government over federal lands? Or how about pushing for an arguably unconstitutional act of rescinding a former President's monument designation under the Antiquities act?

Herbie can get bent.
Lol, the Legislative Process? Is that why they continually assign funds for suing the Federal government over federal lands? Or how about pushing for an arguably unconstitutional act of rescinding a former President's monument designation under the Antiquities act?

Herbie can get bent.

So you didn't listen?

Gov. Herbert talks out of both sides of his mouth and can't figure out why the other side isn't buying his snake oil.

I thought it was no big deal for Utah losing this Expo? You said SLC could replace them in no time flat and it would be a footnote? If that is true why doesn't Herbert just tell these people to pound sand and he has the replacement event already lined up and ready to go?

Why does Gov. Herbert say this event is a "Significant part of the economy of Utah"? That OIA is a "big part of our economic success"? If they can be replaced in 30 seconds why would the Gov. frame the call in that way? Or is that you are clueless about how difficult it is to get national shows into any state?

Rule number 1 in negotiations...if you send people that cant make a decision to the table, no reason to even sit down.

Herbie either didn't have the stones, or permission from his handlers, to make a decision. He wasted his time and the time of those on the call.

He was trying to bullchit his way into keeping OI to stay in Utah, trying to save face by saying he "tried".

Bottom line is that Herbie is not going to change his position on Utah trying to take federal lands, control federal lands, and ultimately sell them off. The monument is a done deal and really only one small part of the problem.

Herbie is an anti-public lands shill who took the wrong position on this from the get-go along with a vast majority of Utah's representatives. The conversation was not disrespectful at all, by any on the phone. Herbie dug his heals in a long time ago, and sold his soul (if he has one) to the anti-public lands crowd. He gets push back and hangs up the be it.

Herbie and Company, are finding themselves on an Island, isolated by their own stupidity, and yet guys like dukes_daddy playing the apologist for their wrong-headed approach on public lands.

Hebie gave the OI no options, he wasn't the right guy to have in the negotiation from the get go, he obviously didn't have the authority to negotiate or make a deal. Talking head with nothing to say.

What a first question would have been to ask him if he had the authority to make a decision on the resolution...if not, "negotiation over". Unless the right people are at the table, I don't bother.

My conclusion...that's a classic example of a politician begging for the OIA to stay. One side held all the cards and Herbie was too dumb to know it.

They'll be better off in a State that actually cares about and values public lands.
I thought Utah losing the expo was no big deal, so I am not sure why the original poster keeps bringing it up. No state has been more active and consistent in trying to privatize our public lands than Utah. Makes sense for an expo of brands that depend on public access to leave that state

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