Are you a true sportsman? How would you handle this situation?


New member
Sep 11, 2016
You watch a young hunter whom you met along with his father, make a not so great shot on a great deer which runs off. You later stumble across the buck which would be a trophy in any ones book, What effort would you make to find that young hunter ?
It depends on the situation, but if I thought I had half a chance of finding the kid, I'd look pretty dang hard.
I hope you had this opportunity 2Tracks and it all ended happily for everyone. I would say that the vast majority of sportsmen would go above and beyond to get that buck in the hands of the youngster that drew first blood. I know I would. I had the same thing happen to me as a 14 yr old muzzleloader hunter, I shot a big buck and another guy finished it off over the next hill even though it was pouring a stream of blood in the snow and then claimed it as his own. I took one picture of it before helping him drag it out in hopes of him letting me have it,.. that didn't happen.
I'm with nowiser. I'd sure try to find the hunter especially if it was a kid. A buck I didn't shoot means nothing to me so I wouldn't have any particular desire to use my tag on it.
I'm w/ No Wiser too.
My brother had a guy steal a big buck from him when we were kids. I still think the guy is a POS for doing that over 20 years later.
What effort did the young hunter and his Father make to find the buck? That would probably influence my decision. mtmuley
I would make every effort to get the buck to him. I have no desire to own another man's trophy.
Some lessons need to be learned the hard way. What does the kid get out of a "found" deer, and how does giving g it to him make you a "sportsman?"

Look harder next time. No free lunch here.

I talk tough, but would give it to the kid if found, after I ran over it with the truck. :)
Interesting scenario. I agree with the others, somebody elses deer doesn't mean much to me. I'd sure try to find them. I know plenty of people that would take it as their own if it was big. You've got to be pretty low to do that.
This is a true story I watched them circle, zig and zag, up down then back again... I actually found the deer while walking a ridge across from them about 300 yards a few hours later., dressed it and caught up with them as they were driving out clearly gut sick from the deer they thought got away. Needless to say they were more than thankful . When I was a kid I was with my dad on my first real hunt just tagging along , was about 8. Dad shot a doe which ran across a creek bottom which ended up close to a county rd, watched a steel hunting blind slam on the brakes and unload, we were about 100 yards from them in a open field in blaze orange,
Steel hunting blind.

Love that one.

So let's see this deer....

Good for you, btw.
Don't have a picture, wish I would have taken one. But that kid will spend the rest of his hunting days trying to top it I can tell you that.
This is a true story I watched them circle, zig and zag, up down then back again... I actually found the deer while walking a ridge across from them about 300 yards a few hours later., dressed it and caught up with them as they were driving out clearly gut sick from the deer they thought got away. Needless to say they were more than thankful . When I was a kid I was with my dad on my first real hunt just tagging along , was about 8. Dad shot a doe which ran across a creek bottom which ended up close to a county rd, watched a steel hunting blind slam on the brakes and unload, we were about 100 yards from them in a open field in blaze orange,

Nice save!
I was bowhunting on the Kaibab and had 4 bucks approaching me. They were only 20 yards away but could only see their heads. As I waited for them to get closer and expose their vitals, some guy a long ways off launches an arrow and hits one in the kidney ( he didn't know I was there ) The buck bolts and the others trot off. Back at camp I see him searching nearby. After a talk with him I decided to help look. I took the easiest path and found 4 guys starting to cut the deer up. I asked them if they saw a 3x3 run through here with a wound right about the same spot as their 3x3. I was giving them the opportunity to come clean but they just gave me deadly stares. I told them that whoever shot that buck better tag it, but nobody made a move to tag it. I walked back towards camp and as soon as I was out of sight I ran to find the guy that arrowed the buck.
Long story short, we went back to the scene with a game warden and found the meatless remains buried with brush, and by pure chance we found the meat and head hanging in a thick cluster of small pines.
The shooter tagged it and recovered everything, and didn't even get his hands dirty. The game warden took some of the cord used to hang the meat and went to search for anyone with that cord in their camp.
That deer wasn't even mine and I didn't know the shooter, but those 4 POS thieves really piss me off.
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Well, my answer won't be popular. To start off the trophy part has zero value to me. The second part is I don't keep any animal that I didn't hunt and shoot.

So, I wouldn't do a thing, but keep hunting. If I ran into the kid or his father i'd tell them where the deer is. Otherwise nature gets the deer.
I'd try as hard as I possibly could. I would make sure and dress the animal out and open it up so it would start to cool because first and foremost I would want the meat to cool so it is good to eat.
I think you did the right thing 2Tracks. I think it would be a whole different story if you saw the deer several hours later still walking around..., but in this scenario I would have done the same thing. Hopefully some good karma will come your way in the woods!