Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

archery ELK

old man

Active member
Aug 14, 2011
shelton CT.
I haven't Ever seen a video of anyone hunting early season in shorts and short sleeve shirts. Is there a reason? i hate warm weather.
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That's a lot of skin to be showing an elk. They will pick out your skin color pretty quick. Full body camo paint might work.:)
I do it. My arms are fully sleeved tattooed, so I guess that breaks up the solid skin tone enough. I also have old cut off ACU shorts that I wear when I hunt as well. But, my crocs are camo...:cool:
I do it. My arms are fully sleeved tattooed, so I guess that breaks up the solid skin tone enough. I also have old cut off ACU shorts that I wear when I hunt as well. But, my crocs are camo...:cool:

.......and you are as stealthy as a ninja!
Definitely stalked a few whitetails while wearing Camo Crocs and a Camo t-shirt. Haven't tried short pants though.
I would never wear shorts because of the lack of protection for my legs. But, I have allergies and grasses make my skin itch. Not to mention it would be a pain to crawl on your hands and knees in shorts.

I have worn short sleeve shirts when it was really hot.
I wouldn't wear shorts unless you like having lots of scrapes and scratches, bug bites,etc.
Old man, I started with a pair of camo mesh pants that were super light and breathable, but sat on some sap while waiting under a tree and essentially waxed my hind parts. They were really only good for the hottest days. Then I bought some of Cabelas instinct pants that are light and stretchy. They are okay in early season heat. Finally I got some of First Lights Kanabs (version 1). These are their rip stop light weight wool pants. While they can get tears in them (mine haven't after a solid year of use), their benefits far outweigh the that con. They've kept me warm in the early hot September and through some surprise snow storms. Plus, being merino wool they are super soft and comfortable (I almost want a pair just for lounging around the house) and if you hang them over night almost all the stink is gone by morning. These new wool blends hardly hold onto smell at all. I always try to hunt the wind, but when it's hot, sometimes my smell overpowers the woods and it's all I can pick up. I would highly recommend the First Lite Kanabs and will buy them again whenever I wear through my current pair.
If you stay in the shade you won't need short pants. You'll be amazed the temp difference at altitude in the shade.
I would say that depending your location, on if you should wear any type of shorts or short sleeve shirt and the type of hunting, tree stand, ground blind, walk and stalk, or driving around. The least I would do is make sleeves for your arms and legs out of the camo material that is like the netting you can wear on your head and face to keep bugs and other items off your skin so you don't get things that you don't want. Just my opinion.