Anyone own a pair of Duluth Trading Fire Hose Briar Pants?

Oh I'm sure individuals from points south, north, and west also think us clothing-conflicted gun-toters may well be decoys.:cool:
What happens if I let it slip that I'm not an overall big fan of "welfare" programs. :confused:
onpoint may be a poor host. Chances are I'm worse, but I'll schedule a HT ugly dog convention very soon. Pretty dogs are welcome too, so long as they are not liberal hippies. Except for Ben and his dog.
Sometimes I can't believe I miss stuff like this. Glad I ventured into the pants thread. mtmuley
I'm liking the new direction this thread is taking!! Please be aware that us eastern tenderfoots will need ample notification to arrange travel to the convention.
If I knew how to change the title of this thread I would change it to "The JLS Ugly Dog Convention" or "Onpoint, Confessions of a Republican Basher" as I got all the feedback I need regarding the pants. Carry on.
Clever ads...looks like good birding haberdashery. Wouldn't be any louder in the oak brush than my cussin'.

If you have ever been Chukar hunting I can guarantee your cussin' would double in volume and frequency.
Added these to the Christmas wish list.

Also, in for the ugly dog expedition. You can all remark how attractive my dog is while yours put up birds.

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