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Anyone heard about bird hunting

Don Fischer

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
Wanting to go to E. Montana bird hunting this year but haven't heard anything promising about it. Anybody heard anything else?
No I haven't but its been hot and dry. I'll know more after next weekend.
Numbers started out ok, and nesting conditions were good, but indications so far are that brood survival was fair to poor. Poor forb production, poor insect crop, and no water took a toll. It seems like there were patches where broods did slightly better, but overall it isn't stellar. I would expect to put in a lot of miles to find birds, and the shooting will probably be more challenging because you won't have big numbers of dumb hatch year birds. But if you can find some of those little patches where birds did better, you'll still have a decent hunt.
i was south of malta this weekend seen many more birds than farther east and north thats for sure

The guys who regularly hunt south of Malta are really going to appreciate you posting that on a public forum. Nice work. Ever heard of a PM?
Depends what your looking for but I have seen good numbers so far compared to the last few years. Seeing a ton of pheasants along the rivers, turkeys are everywhere, I'm seeing grouse every 20 minutes when I am hiking in the hills, and waterfowl seem to be grouping up regularly (maybe due to lack of smaller bodies of water?) Either way, it is looking like a pretty promising year in eastern MT despite the rough winter and the current drought. Best of Luck
O.K guys go ahead and post up some of your favorite areas for everyone to see. Considering the number of people who visit these forums south of Malta is specific enough. It's really a matter of context. Is sending a PM too much work? You can help a brother out without screwing up an area, right? PM seems like the righjt move to me. Awaiting your post of your favorite hunting areas.
Based on the information give in this thread, I think I'm going to hunt the shaded area. I hear there are lots of birds there...

I thought it was pretty good. I could see being upset if he gave coordinates or township and section numbers but all he said south of Malta. There's a lot of country south of Malta and nobody would have thought anything of it if you wouldn't have ran it up the flag pole. I doubt anyone is going to change their bird hunting plans this year based on that comment....
You ever bird hunt south of Malta? On the north side of the river, that is. And please don't tell me I'm responsible because I "ran it up the flagpole" You're either a really funny guy or lacking in the IQ department. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I posted that this kind of question is best answered by PM. Standing by that. You can post up your fav hunting spots anytime now...
If I said my favorite spot used to be south of Malta would you believe me? I only say used to be since it's going to be flooded with people this year. Ok that's the last one.

Back on track with the original question. I've notice quite a few birds in the central part of the state but can't comment on the eastern side.
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