Any helpful info on Colorado GMU 28


New member
Aug 1, 2015

I am hoping that there might be some of you here on this forum that have hunted or have some knowledge on Colorado GMU 28 and would be willing to share some information. I have never hunted this area and have only been living in CO for 3 years. So I am also learning new areas. Due to some family changes and commitments that have come up this year, I will not be hunting the 1st rifle season and will have to settle for 3rd season this year. I will have either a OTC bull tag and/or a cow tag. I am really just looking for some meat to put in the freezer and not a trophy. I know 28 is a close unit to Denver (which is the reality as to why I will be hunting this unit) so therefore has a lot of hunter traffic. So my questions are: Is this worth the effort knowing all the pressure? Are there some places that can be hiked into and get away from the crowds that hold elk? At best I will be able to get a day or 2 of scouting with boots on the ground as my 2 year old keeps me busy busy. So most of the scouting that I will be able to do is "virtual". I am not looking for anyone's honey hole or exact areas, just hoping for some direction for my best options to get some meat. I am happy to PM to keep any info private.

Thanks and Happy Hunting!
I've hunted 28 a couple of years, it's really big, rugged, "black timber" territory.

If I were going back, Vazquez creek and Fraser Experimental Forest near Winter Park are areas that I'd explore. Fraser, I'd prepare to go high and deep on existing forest roads that are gated. Vazquez, expect to go deep on existing trails the off to find a ledge with lots of aspens.

The Williams Fork and Church Park areas are pretty busy with hunters. I'd avoid that just because of the congestion.

We had hiked up and camped at Horseshoe Lake, but I really believe the elk were across the ridge in the Darling Creek headwaters.
knobbytire Thank you for the information and pm. I will start some "vitural scouting" of the mentioned areas. I am hoping to get a few days with boots on the ground if possible. Are there some areas to camp close-ish to the trail head/gated roads that you might recommend?

Thank you again!

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