PEAX Equipment

Any Gustav news?


Dec 17, 2000
Bountiful, Utah
ANy of our members down that way get hammered by Gustav? Got word from my parents in Baton Rouge....not good. They had trees, or parts of trees, punch holes in their roof, wipe out their patio roof and yet another flattened their metal shed. They had an electric pole snap near the back property line too, but the electric was already off when that happened. THeir neighbors had 2 trees fall on opposite ends of their house. One of my brothers lost his brand new fence - after it was taken out by a tornado in June. Haven't heard a word from my other brother yet. Our fingers are crossed as he lives out in the woods you see...just his, no kids, the dogs and him.

Luckily all is well physically though, so we can count this as a good day. My parents were supposed to be coming up here next week, we will see how those plans go.
Glad to hear your folks are safe, hope you hear from you brother soon. From the news, it looks like it was not as bad as it might have been. Still sounds like alot of damage
Wow Tim, Must have been a straight line wind or something like it. As a whole Gustav was'nt as bad as they were building it up to be. Sorta like throwing a change up pitch, people will be looking at the next one the same way and it will probably be a Fastball! We watched most of the coverage and started seeing some wind and rain around dark last night. It should pick up as far as the rainfall is concerned today, but the winds have been downgraded to around 35 with gusts to 45. They are getting repairs done down south with the hope of returning some of the 1.9 Million Coonasses Mid-week. John
I think there was too much emphasis put on Katrina...wonder why that would be. From what they were reporting on the Baton Rouge news, there was more inland damage than coastal. The eye ended up going between Lafayette and Baton Rouge. They recorded wind gusting over 100, and steady winds over 60 in the Baton Rouge area. Good thing it weakened quite a bit before landfall....can't imagine the damage if it would have hit the same track as a Cat 3/4 instead of a 1.

ANother interesting fact. I was able to talk to my parents on the phone whenever I wanted all night Sunday, all day yesterday and into late last night. I haven't been able to get through at all today. Go figure.
It's been raining like hell here all day and predicted to last tomorrow and thursday. Said we could get 12-15 inches. Thats a whole year in idaho where I used to work, and Kansas where I grew up. I don't think we'll have any damage but it sure is alot of rain.