Antelope Meat and Pets

Our dog gets raw turkey 2x a day and grain-free dry food 1x. We do microwave the turkey to warm but not cook because our Vet suggested this as a way to reduce bacteria that might be in the raw meat. The dry food helps get teeth clean and provide some vitamins and minerals. Yes, we are a two income home and are also empty-nesters with our kids all successfully adulting in good careers. I damn well know my worst day of last year would be the best day of some people's entire life. Thankful for every day.
Easy answer..........................they know how awesome antelope is to eat! Human's aren't the only one to get that one right!

Great pics in the above old post, I love carpaccio of fish and wild game. Probably my preferred loin preparation as it lasts longer than just grilling to rare and eating in big chunks! I have always snacked on raw wild game meat as I butcher... Little olive or avocado oil, sesame oil, and dark ponzu is a great dressing/ sauce to make it go an Asian direction similar to my favorite sushi restaurant's ahi carpaccio. Man, I am hungry now! I haven't yet gotten a pronghorn, but can't wait to finally draw a CA tag or head to WY, etc.
Your dogs get venison and mine will eat cow turds from time to time. I guess one animals crap is another animals filet mignon.

On a side note, I have been known to rub all over horns too and I don't think a simple throat punch could keep me from steeling a piece of grilled pronghorn steaks.
We slow cook our antelope, deer, and elk trim overnight, chop it in a food processor and freeze flat in gallon size ziplocks for catfood.
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