Antelope Contest -- Winner get's nothing.

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
What's this little stump score? I will say one thing, he's big and healthy.
Here's a couple more

71? :D Might want to recalibrate. It is tough to tell though because I think a big factor is the body and head size. He prongs off just at the ear tip, definately isn't real strong in the length, but ...
He's very tricky. I keep coming up with 79. 14ish on leanth, 6+ on the paddles 19ish for mass. He is a cool buck for sure..........
I looked at him pretty hard and although I'm not too sure, I think he's over 82 net, even though he's probably under 14" in length. I guess him to have almost 22" of mass per side.
He looks scary heavy, I was afraid to over shoot his mass though. I was giving him 13.5-14 in leanth. 82 net would work for me...............
That buck looks a whole lot like the buck I killed last year. I think yours is a little heavier and the prong comes off a little higher.

Got him back last night.

**Edit: Oh yeah, I'll guess 80" on your buck. Go kill him and tell us what he scores.



Awesome buck Oak!

Here's what I think Stubby's measurement are, I keep changing my mind..

Length: 13 2/8 (5 5/8 below prong, 7 5/8 above the prong)
Prong: 6 1/8
Mass: 7 3/8, 7 3/8, 4 2/8, 3 1/8

Could be off, but it should be close.

He could be anywhere from 12.75 - 13.75 in length that's what's really hard to guess for me. I'm thinking his mass is in the 21-23 range and his prong is 6+, doesn't look it, but has to be with all that wrap around behind it.
I think you should kill him, and let us know exactly what he is.

Looks like a Big bodied bastage, at least as far as his head is concerned! ;)
Wow! Interesting way of doing that. Here's the approx. measurements from my buck. He netted 78" even.

13.75" length, 5.5" prong, 6.75, 6.75, 3.625, 2.625
That's a really good buck Oak and very pretty. This stubby one I found is pretty ugly, but really unique. I'm hoping he's 14 inches, if he is, he's a big SOB. If he's closer to 13" then I'm over judging him. My thought is he's really massive and carries it to the top, and also has a big sized head and body.. and that makes him look short. He really looks like a 13 incher.
My guess is 78.

I have a fail safe way of judging lopes. Take Kurt's minimum guess and subtract 2 inches.

It also depends on who is scoring it. If it is measured by an official P&Y measurer it will score 78. if it is measured by Kurt and his short tape, it should go about 81-83. :D
Scathound... Stubby will outscore the Lobster, even though he is under 14" tall. Want to put $20 down?
I'll bet you $10,000 that Kurt's "Stubby" buck outscores the "Lobster" buck green. I'll even pay for you trip to Montana to watch an official measurer score the buck. Wait a minute...what's the "Lobster"? Haha... :p
Lobster met his demise in September of '02. Stubby would have taken him down and stomped him had they been on the same hill. The beautiful thing about both of these bucks is they aren't/weren't that "see you from a mile and run like hell" type. Wish I could get back to bowhunt for him, but it ain't gonna happen. Mean Green meets Stubby on September 20th 2005... hopefully. Glad to hear I'm not overjudging him too bad.

Here's Lobster (may he rest in peace):
Greenhorn, I hope you kill that buck, and I hope you're right about the score. I think those short, heavy ones are hard to judge. I think BuzzH would agree. ;)

Did you see a pic of that new state record buck from UT? I think it was under 16" and scored around 91. Heavy bastard.

You've got great pictures of him up close. Maybe even stuby11, where his nose is right by that bush, you could go back and measure the bush, then we could use that to calibrate our tapes and add it all up. He's real symetrical and really massive, I see that. Mass adds up!