Another slap on the wrist

I thought that name sounded familiar. I remembered there was an illegal outfitting and poaching ring associated with the Carlson name from up that way.
WOW.....after their history and they only get a 1 year time out. Sad to say the least. Obama's red line to Putin had more teeth than Montana's message of "don't poach". Bummer.
Poaching seems to lack teeth. I presume lawmakers in most states sit on their hands since they figure a poacher is just some down on his luck guy gathering meat for his family. The cases I see posted here almost weekly are criminals no where close to being on the verge of starving. Even if were starving, do we give a criminal a pass if he runs out of 7-11 with an armful of food? How do we get stronger game violation laws, LEO that will enforce and DA's that will prosecute?
He "agreed" to not get a license for ONE year?!?!?! Holy crap that is embarrassing, especially after the history. I would like to know why they didn't file for forfieture on the property that he was running the illegal outfitting business on? Scum :/
According to the FWP release I read, he agreed to not put in for an archery tag. Doesn't say anything about any other tags.
He'll be at it again next year. The first time didn't stop him, the second time wont either....
Hope you don't have any more camera's to seel, because that kind of logic could be problematic for ability to sell, given history and all...
Yes that is hardly a slap. We have had people here prosecuted to the max, and a few even outfitters and large land owners virtually get away with the same kind of slap poaching like this.
We have a few people that are serial poachers with multiple arrests and well monied people flaunt in the faces of the legal hunters. It really makes me irate.
WOW, all you have for a retort is to point out a typo. BTW, I won't take that comment back, you didn't ask for an "inspection period".

Thanks for the pm...
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So if you were to ask the average hunter " For $2000.00 I can get you a 5x5 bull and the only caveat is you won't be able to hunt the next year" How many would take advantage of that?

I think a lot people would and that makes this a joke of a punishment.

This appears to be a family that believes the animals on their property belong to them and those silly rules are for everyone else.

On another note, from the sounds of this deal his not buying a tag is voluntary but I know a lot of states honor hunting penalties and am wondering if there is a data base where an offenders name would pop up if they tried to buy a permit in another state?
WOW, all you have for a retort is to point out a typo. BTW, I won't take that comment back, you didn't ask for an "inspection period".

Thanks for the pm...

That's great, I never asked you to, genius. Apparently reading comprehension is another issue you're having....

And you're welcome for the pm, I'll continue to pm you since I haven't received a warning for doing so...
I comprehend just fine. At least I'm showing you the courtesy of replying to you. That was a bit more than you offered the guy you sold something to that didn't work properly.

I didn't respond to his pm's because there was nothing to discuss.
"Morin said Carlson also agreed to not apply for any archery elk permits in Blaine, Phillips and Valley counties for one year, which covers the 2014 hunting season."

So this guy's "penalty" was to pay $2,000 and agree to not apply for an archery tag in these 3 counties, but he can hunt anywhere else in the state? Plus this is his second offense, the first one being a fine in the neighborhood of $50K. Something doesn't add up.
I was after a big 7 point bull in that area in 2003. The bull would leave the property at night to water, and always be safely on the ranch by legal light. One morning I had him at about 200 yards......just over the fence. Glad I don't break the law, but wish that this A-hole would get hammered for it. Just like I would have if I'd have killed that bull. mtmuley
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