PEAX Equipment

Another Dumb Video


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Normally like the videos these guys put out but this is beyond dumb and to put it on YouTube is just something else. To brag about literally doing the first thing they tell you not to do in Hunter Ed is just Wild.

I was expecting it to be some wild in flux situation from the description. Nope, calm, feeding bison, and he lines up two and plows an arrow through them.
My grandfather killed three does with a patch round ball out of his flintlock back in the 70’s in PA.

He didn’t know 2 deer were standing exactly behind the doe he was shooting at.

Needless to say, everyone’s tags got filled that day.

I like to think he’s pulling that same “trick shot” wherever he is right now.

Here was another gem I saw on the internet today if it posts right. For those with Facebook.
Never should have put it up. It blows me away he thought it would be taken positive way.