Yeti GOBOX Collection

Another Backpack Question... FOOD.

Yeah, same here. Very sweet cake. Need to figure out how to firm them up.
Cutting a bit of the applesauce and or yogurt should firm them up. One thing I like about eating Clif bars is that I hardly ever poop. However, once the trip is over I'm been known to chip some porcelin with the resulting bricks.
Gotta agree with you on that Tyler....cliff bars will back up a bus if overdone but ya gotta like the protein they pack hump
Marv- I hear ya, but have yet to find anything better to keep me going. 'Course the 4" of whale blubber that covers my body doesn't hurt any when I get low on food! ;)
Well...... The Apples I brought to the Trailhead staid there except for 2 of them. I ate a Pear going in, Would have been nice to have one later but thats OK. The carrots were good for about 4 days and Offset the sweet stuff but Mostly I jsut ate Dinner when we got to that point. I think on the Sheep hunts I get to Dam tiered even to Eat. One day we hiked so far and Long when it got dark we stopped and I said I was going to bed . T-bone brought me dinner to bed.. AWWW gow romantic :) I was just going to sleep. I'd rather sleep then eat anyways. Although Sleeping on a Sidehill Sucks too :)

T-bone ate Cliffbars every day and he made me take a Bite of one. It was OK .. but.... I'd rather eat something else for sure.

I might make up a Batch of Bacon bars..... That sounds good :D

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