Yeti GOBOX Collection

Another amendment to steal our public land


Active member
May 26, 2015

These idiots never give up do they? The ending paragraph reminds me of the quote:

"To those devoid of imagination a blank place on the map is a useless waste; to others, the most valuable part.” - Aldo Leopold

Of course he can't see the use in the land "just sitting there" someone has to be making money off of it. It's the view all these terrible politicians pushing these land grabs have.
Really? Unused public land? That is rediculous, guess that's what we should expect from TX where public land is all but non-existant.
Come on guys "instead of letting this land sit idly in the hands of Washington, why not sell it?". This right here makes my blood boil.....
"It’s time to put American land back in the hands of Americans."

Idiots. Last I checked it already belongs to us.
"It’s time to put American land back in the hands of Americans."

Idiots. Last I checked it already belongs to us.

I think you misunderstood what he meant. What he meant is put the land in rich Americans hands that can reap millions off of what is all of ours already. It's common right wing thinking to deny simple facts. I don't share all the points of either party, but this issue is a big one and I am losing all respect and support for the Republican Party because of this land debate and conservation cutting they continue to do.
Much of our public land would end up in the hands of foreign corporations and foreign governments cloaked as corporations.National sovereignty and security is something the federal land swindle crowd doesn't want to talk about.
Unfortunately, I don't think they are idiots. It would be easier if they were. Greedy, certainly. Well organized. Probably ruthless more than malicious. Definitely a nuisance.
Holy gerrymander, Batman, this is serious! My house is only three blocks from this clown's district. (I am willing to amend my previous post.) And to cap it off, my gun club (Bayou Rifles) has a smallbore range on a Corps of Engineers property in his district. This is a flood plain, underwater for the last month, which protects Houston from flooding. I wonder if he considers this "unused land". I think it is time to advise him that some of us do not consider land to be "unused" merely because it lacks a deer feeder.
Oh I understand perfectly well what he means. They won't be happy until our lands belong to their rich buddies and corporations.....or basically anybody that will give them a cut.
Much of our public land would end up in the hands of foreign corporations and foreign governments cloaked as corporations.National sovereignty and security is something the federal land swindle crowd doesn't want to talk about.
Whoever wound up with it probably would close it to public access.

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