Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ankle problem - peroneal subluxation

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Any of you guys ever have an ankle that makes a loud popping or clicking sound with every step you take while walking or running?

A trip back to PA last week to help my son get organized for his new employment found me hobbling on my right ankle when I woke up on Friday. As a good friend said, "Getting old ain't for sissies."

Sat by a doctor on the airplane trip home. He listened and told me I probably have peroneal subluxation.

I looked at him like his tongue got tied to his bottom lip. "Come again?"

"Peroneal subluxation," he says. "It's when the Peroneal tendon slips out of its grove on the side of your ankle. Often called snapping ankle."

Fin thinks to himself, "You gotta be kidding me? I have an entire season of some of the greatest hunts coming up and now I have some lame ankle issue."

Seeing my doubt to his supposed expertise he suggests, "When you get home, go see a podiatrist. He can tell you in a few minutes."

Fortunately, one of my best friends is a podiatrist, and a fanatic hunter. Unfortunately, he is on vacation until Monday, but will see me that morning.

I still think I was on the plane next to some guy who slept at the Holiday Inn Express the night before and now thinks he has the answers to all the worlds problems.

Just curious if any of you have ever had such a diagnosis. Been trying to work out, in spite of it, but seems to get rather irritated and swells up by morning.

Been doing the Google searches and come up with stuff like this -

Hoping it is like a headache and goes away after a few days. Wonder if any of you have had it, or know anyone who has. And if so, if they were able to cope with it or if they were able to get over it without too much problem.

For all you guys under 40, I can only warn you. Since turning 40, I feel like some junk vehicle that has a new broken part every week. I used to laugh at guys who warned me of such. I still laugh, but now I laugh because I know how correct they were in their warning to us "young whipper snappers." And I am only 47.

And you guys in your 50s and 60s who are warning me that the 40s are a walk in the park compared to the next two decades, well, I believe all that you say. Teach me to drive a desk for 23 years of my adult working life. :(
Fin im only 20 but i get that too. Ive had it forever and its never been a threat to mobility for me.
I can "pop" my ankles at will, but don't have a problem with them swelling or pain. But my tendons are all stretched out from many many times of rolling them playing basketball. Once had a doctor looking at my rolled ankle and say "You'd have been much better off breaking it". Good Luck and hope you can get it figured out soon!
Actually I heard from a reliable foot doc that the action of throwing ones hat can cause stretching of the tendons.
Fin I have to agree with Big Buck. My right ankle has been snapping for years without really any true effect. Of course mine started after I broke my ankle so I don't know if it is the same thing. Nice thing is, it really helps with caribou hunting. They just think it is another bou approaching...
Sat by a doctor on the airplane trip home. He listened and told me I probably have peroneal subluxation.

Sitting here killing time because of a case of insomnia has struck me, so I'll fill you in on my diagnosis.

The peroneal subluxation, is caused by a moderate case of pussanoma.:D

Just wait until your 51, at 47 your just a snot nosed kid.:W:
Anytime you have a tendon that is not "seated" correctly and is rubbing across the bone you will eventually get tendonitis. My shoulder was doing that but since my last surgery I haven't had any issues. I'm not saying you'll need surgery but possibly just some adjustment to get it riding in its correct location.
As for getting old i'm feeling it for sure as well. I'm 38 but can really tell the difference in recovery and injury. Since I've started running and hiking to get ready for the sheep hunt my legs just don't recover like they used to. I guess I'm not superman like I always thought. I might have a bit of what SS mentioned as well.
I never talk to strangers seated next to me on planes unless they have a short skirt on.
two ideas on this:

1. Are there any caribou in your family history?
2. Dont rule out a GOOD chiropractor before you do any type of surgery. Many people think only of chiros for back issues, but mine has helped my feet and ankles tremendously on many occasions. I emphasized GOOD because you need a really good one, not just any old quack. If you wanna drive to Minnesota, I can set you up with one!

I turned 40 this past April. If ankle issues where the only health concerns that had infiltrated my life in the last couple years, I'd be jumping for joy (popping ankle and all!!!) Get your ankle fixed up and count your blessings...

Have a great Fall!
Fin, I have that EXACTLY !!! I've had it since my early 20's and I turn 40 next year. My left ankle pops all the time. I can still run on it and do sports but I wrap it if I play basket ball ever because it tends to give out in that sport....

I went to the doctors (Specialist) several time in my early 20's and after much money I bailed on that idea and just live with it. It's not a big deal. My ankle doesn't swell and only "gives out" once or twice a year. If I feel it going for any reason I fall over and don't fight it. Stand up, and move on.

It's not a big deal to me at least. I can pop it on every step if I want. Some days it hurts a little more but usually it just makes a noise.

Worry about real issues my friend :=)
Fun topic. I turned 40 last year and suffered a herniated disk (2 surgeries to correct), caught C. Diff from the hospital, developed periodontitis and managed to cut my leg with a chainsaw. 41 has been better but I'm taking my work outs easier so I don't cause any other problems.
There is a retinaculum that holds the peroneal tendon in place and without a traumatic injury I can’t see it just slipping out. I would agree that if the tendon is rubbing on the bone that it can and will cause tendinitis. The majority of time you hear a popping coming from a joint it is usually the tendons or ligaments rubbing that make the noise. I would think with a regular prescription dose of an NSAID (ibuprofen or alleeve) for a week or 2 you could calm down the inflammation and irritation and get the swelling to subside. Make certain you ice it immediately after you work out and stay away from the heat as it would more than likely make the swelling worse. If you wear a good pair of boots that go above the ankle (and I know you do) that should help prevent further injury or injury in general. I would recommend before you head out hunting and probably after you get in for the night to take an NSAID to keep your ankle behaving and any swelling under control. Some physical therapy and perhaps a wobble board may help as well, but that isn’t my specialty. If you have any questions you can PM me.
welcome to old age, my ankle used to pop but never hurt, But at 49 i fell out of a tree,, 3 plates and 11 screws later it no longer pops, or moves right, and hurts when on rough ground, swells up at work to fit the boot,,,,, sprained ankle feeling every morning for 20-30 steps,
Good luck with the rehab on your ankle, it could be worse!!
I've broken both ankles and thus tore them up pretty good in the process, while playing sports as a kid. They've gone "Snap, Crackle, POP" ever since. They seldom bother me anymore, but I swear every animal in the mountains can hear them too. But to this day, I've never had them ruin a hunt for me.

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