Caribou Gear

And yet anther hobby....

There are a few old... one almost un-noticable, small structures I've come across during hunt endeavors that I'd love to pack a metal detector to check out.
Damn dcopas... now I'm going to have to "lose" a purchased necklace I must have dropped in the yard that I can not find. Buy a detector? Great idea! - pipe dream... My wife is far too smart!

I lost my wedding ring by my barn splitting wood last fall. I think it slipped off when I pulled my gloves off. I just grabbed 2 detectors from my dad last night so hopefully I can find it. If not my wife wants to spend a bunch of money on a new ring.
Wow, a Braided Hair one cent. Great find. I envy anyone detecting in the Eastern US. More availability of older coins. My town was founded in 1856 and the oldest coin I've ever found is an 1859 Quarter. Congrats!!
The little village I live in was founded in 1802. I live right on the main east-west travel route from those days between Cincinnati and points east. The road is in virtually the same place as it was back then. The farm across the road dates to at least pre 1877, and is probably much older. I'm lucky to live where I do when it comes to this hobby.