Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Amish Mafia


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Since the ad pops up every time I open this site and the MM site, I figured I would ask...Anyone watch this show? I tried watching that show a couple of times, seemed very scripted and, well, dumb . The fat guy looks like he is ticked off because somebody took his donut. I'd rather watch sister wives! ;)
I also tried, and failed, to watch a full episode. Like most shows like that on tv, staged crap. . . .and I don't believe a minute of it. I guess its why I don't watch much TV. . .even the first 2 nights of Shark Week had me mad!!
I think that they should send the Turtle Man up there to kick Mr. Chin Whiskers butt! Now that is entertainment! "Live Action!" John
X3 on how dumb and scripted that show is.
I did however watch the first episode of Saint Hoods and it seems a lot more legit. I'm sure that there is still some scripting but they are following real bookies that run the city of Boston. I heard an interview with the producer that got me interested. He said there is a lot they can't show and that the crew is nervous alot because the guys they are filming are always intmidating and threatening them not to show too much.
The "entertainment industry" has just totally gone off the deep end. There is just nothing entertaining about most of their tripe, and most of it is insulting to anyone of average intelligence.

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