American Guns cancelled


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2010
Surprise, AZ
discovery channel cancelled the show American Guns amidst the outcry from the school shooting. Dicks sporting goods has also suspended the sale of modern sporting guns from all of its stores. i read that in a yahoo report. my son heard that cheaper than dirt has doubled the price of ammo.

i work part time at a small gun store. haven't worked since last wednesday although i'm getting ready to go in. I'll be interested to see how busy things have been.
Cheaper Than Dirt posted this on their Facebook page:
Cheaper Than Dirt! is suspending online sales of firearms effective immediately. We are reviewing our policy internally, and will continue to be the leader in the outdoor industry with our full line of gear and accessories.

NBC Sports Network has placed an "indefinite moratorium" on broadcasting any gun-related outdoor programming.
Okay, great. When are we going to stop seeing the distribution of violent Hollywood movies and the sale of depraved video games?
funny that NBC sport network would do that. i suppose the violent shows on NBC will contnue though
Dicks sporting goods has also suspended the sale of modern sporting guns from all of its stores.

Something tells me this might cost them big time in the end.

Remember when S&W was boycotted in the 90's? Darn near ran them out of business. Wouldn't surprise me if somebody organized a Dick's boycott too.
Okay, great. When are we going to stop seeing the distribution of violent Hollywood movies and the sale of depraved video games?

Excellent point. This is where these kids get thier ideas from palying these games hundreds of hours per year and watching TV/Movies.
Excellent point. This is where these kids get thier ideas from palying these games hundreds of hours per year and watching TV/Movies.

Unfortunately our government won't give the 2nd amendment the same deference it gives to the 1st amendment...

Or unfortunately it won't allow similar restrictions on the 1st amendment that it does on the 2nd...

I don't know which is preferable???
Okay, great. When are we going to stop seeing the distribution of violent Hollywood movies and the sale of depraved video games?

I'd bet some movies slated to come out won't, like the story with Boondock Saints after Columbine, but it would amaze me to see big gaming companies stop doing "1st person shooter games" since that style is a huge money maker for them, or "Grand Theft Auto" which has been a hit for years.
My thoughts on the recent rash of shootings are.....the violent video games and how kids text to each other all the time. Kids now days are losing the ability to interact with humans on a one to one level. They can't see or hear the inflection in someones voice or see their facial expression when they text to each other all the time. That goes hand in hand with the very realistic, violent video games they play, that some parents use as babysitters. My opinion is the younger generation is losing their grasp on reality, they don't know right from wrong. I was raised with guns from a very young age. Guns were always to be respected with the utmost respect. Now days it seems twisted individuals are acting out their frustrations by getting into the video games they are playing. Just my opinion, may not be right.
My walmart still has guns for sale.

As for Dicks Sporting goods....I've never shopped there and glad I haven't.
I'm sure I will be blasted to no end on this, but I can't stand it any longer. People blaming the gaming/video industry on people murdering/killing/maiming/etc is crazy. Just as crazy as the people that say guns are the reason people murder/kill/maim/etc. The problem is that parents don't talk to their kids and have a LOVING relationship with them, teaching them right from wrong. And also helping them through any issues. People with issues need a SUPPORT systems, wether that is someone to talk to, or someone to realize they need hospitilization. And by-the-way, talking to your children is NOT just listening to your own voice, but also letting your kids talk and take it in. Do you blame the news for someone's kid doing these things? How do you explain Jack the Ripper? None of these things even remotely existed when he was murdering people left and right. All of this is an "out" for parents not having to be parents!
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For Christs sakes, my generation played endless games of war, where we killed thousands of Japaneses, or Germans. Then we'd go to cowboys and Indians killing each other in a make believe world. Sometimes these games lasted weeks, after diners we'd pick up where we left off and play till after dark. The video games are a lazy way of playing out the same fantasies.

My generation had no mass murders like this. There was your Charlie Manson types but nobody really killing kids in school. I think there's just a lot of messed up people these days slipping through the cracks. Obviously!
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