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All developed recreation sites on National Forest Service Lands in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming have been closed

I've been out of the loop for a week in regards to whats happening out west so forgive me if this has been covered already, which I bet it has... The link just shows a fire restriction. What is a "developed recreation site" ? I assume campgrounds and trailheads? So you should still be able to use the forest service land as long as you park along the roadways in pull off spots individually?
Yeah there were two docs on the region 2 page, he just accidentally linked to the fire one.

R4 (which includes the other National Forests in WY) has similar restrictions, though they vary a little in language according to each.
Bill reads trails, trailheads, and parking remain open
"trailhead facilities " are closed. Trails and access points are open. Keep your social distance and we won't lose this access.
Ummm, it says you to pack out your human waste. Can't dig a hole now?
Yeah there were two docs on the region 2 page, he just accidentally linked to the fire one.

R4 (which includes the other National Forests in WY) has similar restrictions, though they vary a little in language according to each.
You are right.

The fire restrictions are really puzzling since there is 6 ft of snow in most camp grounds and the roads are closed. I camped in the Snowies on Sunday night with my daughter and had a blast getting out. There were a couple of Colorado plates with snowmobiles breaking the quarantine laws heading home just before dark but it was really nice with no people.

Also interesting that Montana was not included in this one as the first thing I did was check with my brother who works for the USFS in Bozeman.

Who knows it may be fall until you can have a fire or use a campground on USFS land.
I thought the fire thing was interesting too. I figure it's to minimize the easy mop ups that happen now and again? But yeah not much to burn for the time being.
I’m guessing that’s because of the people who won’t, or don’t know digging a hole is a thing. Doubt anyone is going to patrol for cat holes.

I'm always shocked at the number of people I meet who think business is only done in a toilet, even if you're out in the mountains...
Wonder if the fire restrictions have to due to lack of or lack of ability to hire fire personnel in the current situation?
We’ve got a state wide burn ban in Mississippi. Not because of fire danger, but because they don’t want to use resources to fight a potential fire.
No fire Restrictions here in AZ. yet , I say another month and the desert areas will have them. Up high here if no more rain or snow after the next week , by first of June they will clamp down on the forrest. Leaving tomm. for New Mexico Turkey lots of Snow and cold in the forecast. I will probly have a fire at camp a few times .8-9 thousand feet not worried about it and I keep em small. If windy no fire even in the wet stuff. Common sense...........................BOB!
I think most of these things like closures, fire and hunting restrictions are just to discourage people from traveling far and spreading the disease around. People will travel a long way to "escape" the disease in the city and all those people buying their beer and munchies at the gas stations ups the risk.

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