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Alaska moose - OYOA style

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Anytime you ask for input, you are asking for more trouble than anything. But, given how much value I place in the comments provided on these threads, I will bear the risks that come with asking opinions with the benefits oftern garned from such.

I am thinking of showing people how "doable" an Alaska moose or caribou hunt can be for the experience self-guided hunter. The problem comes in that even an OYO type AK hunt is expensive.

I struggle to find a way that I can do a self-guided AK moose hunt for less than $4,500. That includes transport, commerical air to Fairbanks, some equipment rental, tag and license, food, etc.

A good guided AK moose hunt is going to be $8,000 and up, and you still have your tag, commercial air, etc. I suspect when all is added up, you are at least $10,000 into a guided AK moose hunt, and from most my research, closer to $14,000 with the more reputable outfitters.

If I could keep a moose hunt under $5,000, I think that would still fall into the reach of most hunters, knowing it would probably be a once-in-a-lifetime event and for which you would probably save up funds for a few years. But, given the allure of AK and all the intrigue that moose hunting represents, I would really like to show that it can be done for anyone willing to do the research and get themselves prepared.

I think if I get serious and split some costs between a couple guys, we could get it below $4,000. That would be the goal. Very doable in my preliminary calculations.

I am lucky where I can go to AK most any year I want by just pitching in with family who live in AK. Under that scenario, the cost is less than $1,500 for me, but that is not what I want to show people, as few have that same luxury. I want to show what it costs to fly/drive to AK, hire some sort of transportation, and go shoot a moose on your own money and effort. Caribou might be slightly less, but probably far less intrigue.

Maybe the first question should be whether or not viewers would want to see that, even if it is difficult and costs more than you average hunt in the lower 48. I think with two guys, we could get two episodes. For sure, if we kill two animals. But probably two if we show the logistics and planning needed, then the hunt itself.

If we did that hunt, the production costs of getting camera guys, equipment, etc, might blow the budget for the entire season. Might have to fill the rest of the season with whitetail doe hunts shot on handy cams.

Already gave first dibs on such a possible trip to a Hunt Talker to whom I owe my life. If such a hunt comes together and he can't make it, I sure hope I could find some other Hunt Talker to take his place.

So, would an AK moose hunt, OYO style, be a worthy episode, if we could keep the entire price under $5,000 per person, for everything? Or, Caribou if we could keep it around $3,500 per person.

If I can't pull off either of those hunt, the Sitka Blacktails are still on my radard screen. Need more AK stuff to show what is "doable" for the experienced guy willing to give some effort.
It would be a great couple of episodes. I first went to AK in 2004 for a moose hunt. Spent $6000 and had a horrible experience. I went back in 2007, spent right at $5000 and came home with a moose and a caribou. What I learned on that first trip was invaluable. If you can help people to not make the mistakes that a lot of first timers make, it would be well worth the effort.
I think this is a great idea. $5k for an OYO Alaska moose hunt is definitely within reach--$14k not so much for a guy like me.
I think 2 hunters would be more realistic for us average guys.You just dont want to tackle that
kind of a hunt without a real good buddy to help.And even just one moose would be plenty I would guess.2 cousins of mine drove to Alaska from here years ago,hunting caribou.I think they took 9 days to get there,but had a heck of a time.Would be interesting and probably helpful to alot of us.
I would definitely watch that episode multiple times. I had a friend talking to me just last week about saving up the money for a couple of years and going to AK on our own. My vote is do it!
I would definitely watch that episode. I agree that $14K is pretty steep, but really not terribly out of line for a once-in-a-lifetime hunt. Even the $5K is more than I can swing right now with 2 young kids, saving for their college, etc., but I like to live vicariously through you guys! Seriously, though, these episodes give me ideas for what I would like to do down the road when I have taken care of some of the family responsibilities, and get tired of hunting whitetail in my backyard.
I would love to watch those episodes!! Your Colorado elk episode this season has me fired up and I have a group of 3 that are planning to go in 2013. Watching an episode about Alaska moose and caribou would be awesome, as they are two hunts on my bucket list. This show is a great source of knowledge for myself and many of my friends. We live and hunt in the midwest in small wood lots and have a lot of out of state hunts that we want to do. Each time I watch OYOA I gain valuable knowledge and this episode would be no different.
I think it would be a great show. The only way I would ever get to AK would be on my own. The planning and logistics of the hunt would be of great value to me. Randy I think your show is the absolute best available today. Good luck and kept it up. HD
That's a great idea Randy, for the average guy, I think any hunting trip to AK represents a significant investment of time and money.

First, let me say that I have no idea what kind of agreements you have with the network that airs your show regarding video content you post to this site. I know some programs are restricted in the content they can post that ties in to a particular on-air episode, and others are not. But for such a hunt, it would be great if you could post additional clips on the site. I don't neccessarily mean clips of you guys in the field hunting moose/'bou, but maybe some stuff where you take people through the planning/logistics you do at home. I think one of the major barriers to planning such a trip is just that, the planning.

It might help people out to see you go through the "behind the scenes" process you would use to make such a trip happen. Like any major trip, be it hunting or another activity, some of the most difficult and stressful decisions must be made long before you get to the airport. Just a thought.
I think this would be a great idea for a show. Many like me dream of hunting in Alaska, but the cost of a guided hunt would make it impossible. At least an OYOA would be feasable. I have often thought of a float hunt with one or 2 buddies, but the logistics seem overwhelming. Any tips in a show like this would definately be appreciated!
For sure would generate some interest on my part.

Also thinking though the once in a lifetime type opportunity this would be for many folks, it would be interesting to see about doing some type of combo type hunt since the travel costs would be such a large part of the overall total. Moose/caribou, throw in a fall bear? Not sure what kind of options could be available.

I've never really been all that interested in a Moose or Caribou hunt simply because I didn't really like the idea of hiring an outfitter and I'm too old to ever get my hopes up to draw a Moose hunt in the lower 48.

I wasn't really interested in bear hunting either until I saw your show on your DIY Alaska bear hunt and now I'm trying to figure out when I'll be able to pull that one off.
I would love to see either or both Randy these are dream hunts of mine and I am doing the research right now and those are about the same numbers i am coming up with as well. One thing another hunt talker and I were talking about is it would be great to see an episode or even just an exlusize episode on the DVD about the application process and tag draw strategies here in the lower 48. Heck even a web episode. Thanks again for all your hard work you have inspired lots of people to realize that they can actually do these hunts and they can actually afford them. Keep up the good work.
I think it's a great idea for this show as I have been trying to learn what it takes and make it happen myself. I say go for it and make it as educational as possible for those of us that have dreamed of making this hunt happen as well.
Randy, I watch the show cause it's about how I hunt, or dream to hunt. An Alaska hunt is something I should have done years ago, when my father was younger (pre hip replacements) and am kicking myself for not getting up there to hang out with him. If you do manage to make it a two episode hunt, it would be interesting, for a lot of us to watch how you plan your hunts. I'm willing to bet you spend at least twice as much time planning a hunt as you spend hunting, and if that's the case, it would sort of explain the addiction we all have. I'd think that for most DIY hunters, you would want to try to get multiple types of tags, since it would indeed be a once in a lifetime event, and the investment is close to the same, either way. That's my take, it's worth what you paid for it.
I think this episode would be great I am actually in the planning stages as we speak on the moose/bou combo AK. hunt looking at all the draw areas and harvest stats and all that already it begins next month..... Hopin to get lucky in the moose draw there.
I am also in agreement that both hunts would be great for at least 2 people. In the event something were to happen I would hate to be there alone. The 4-5K range is also very doable for most after saving for a while, it would be a once in a lifetime for me for sure.

Ps.....enjoyed the black bear in Alaska episode last night
I'd watch the show.... record it and watch it 100 more times. I live to do what you are describing. I've done the OYO sitka blacktail, caribou and moose. I did them all on a tight budget. The moose hunt is the most expensive and we did it for under 5k each. However, that does not include getting that sucker home and processed. It cost roughly 2k to get one bull home and I am almost certain we took the cheapest route. Anyways, I say... hell yeah... do it. You're wastin time talkin about it. Oh yeah, I want my name to be first in the stand by list. Ed to F
I like the idea. I've heard great stories about floating some of the north slope rivers for caribou for around $3K a person. A float hunt would be a nice change from the normal AK hunts I've seen on tv. Changing scenery, you can tie in some fishing, and you'd likely see a variety of critters when moving around. It's not something my wallet can supports these days, but hopefully I'll get up there one day.
I think it would be an awesome idea. I have talked to other Hunt Talkers about just this very thing....the logistics and all that behind a hunt like that. Moose is definitely on my bucket list and I would love to have a better insight on how to go about it.
Anytime you ask for input, you are asking for more trouble than anything. But, given how much value I place in the comments provided on these threads, I will bear the risks that come with asking opinions with the benefits oftern garned from such.
I think it's really cool that you use us as a sounding board and consider our input as you make up your mind. That involvement is great. :cool:

Maybe the first question should be whether or not viewers would want to see that, even if it is difficult and costs more than you average hunt in the lower 48. I think with two guys, we could get two episodes. For sure, if we kill two animals. But probably two if we show the logistics and planning needed, then the hunt itself.
I think it would be a great hunt on one or even two episodes and probably very well received, but understand the high price of doing such a hunt.

If we did that hunt, the production costs of getting camera guys, equipment, etc, might blow the budget for the entire season. Might have to fill the rest of the season with whitetail doe hunts shot on handy cams.
Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with handy cams for filming the remainder of the episodes...where do I sign up? ;)

So, would an AK moose hunt, OYO style, be a worthy episode, if we could keep the entire price under $5,000 per person, for everything? Or, Caribou if we could keep it around $3,500 per person.

If I can't pull off either of those hunt, the Sitka Blacktails are still on my radard screen. Need more AK stuff to show what is "doable" for the experienced guy willing to give some effort.
Yeah, I think a true DIY/OYO AK moose hunt would be a great episode (or two). Caribou is definitely an option as well! And, Sitka Blacktails are great also!