NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Alaska Caribou Success!!


Congratulations on a great hunt.

We hunted out of Dillingham last year and got only one moose and one caribou for 6 people. I hope to return to hunt next year and then go from Kotzebue.

Buschy... Glad you had a great hunt...EXCELLENT narration and itemized cost sheet, too..

I may have missed this...Did you go in on floats or via wheelplane..??..

$1350 with no weight limit and possible multiple trips ain't too bad...I can rough it if I have too, but if you can take some extra creature comforts, I say GO for it..

Congrats on some fine 'bou...

Wheel planes with tundra tires. Those guys don't need much room to take off and land.

I agree about roughing it. If you hunt with me there are not many extras. My cousin on the other hand sees things differently. Melted butter for the king crab, red wine, and dessert to follow. He ran a first rate camp.

I just got the cape back from being tanned in Anchorage. I am hoping to have it mounted soon. I will attach some pics when it is finished.

super big congrats dude,thats awesome.Unfortunetly work and no play for me,so no Caribou this year dang-it,but looking at your pictures sure made up for it.Wow! congrats agian and a 380 bull is sweet.Daniel