Yeti GOBOX Collection

Alabama Deer

Many years ago, I was a DIV I scholarship swimmer and had a full ride to college. My son is having fun and learning hard work and goal setting/achievement. I give him three rules for swimming. Try his hardest, be a good sportsman and most importantly have fun. It was funny, my younger brother was an even a better swimmer than me. My son asked him how he got so fast and he said work hard, be a good sportsman and most importantly have fun. It was not rehearsed, it just why we both believe.

He and I have had a few great hunts. We try and do at least one a year besides the local hunts. I am a very lucky man! I have an awesome son and I absolutely love my wife!

More to post but he has a swim meet next weekend. He wants to try and get out after he swims but we will have to wait and see. The meets take a bit out of him. He has his first mile race this Friday.
Keep us updated. I drive through Huntsville occasionally, and my son wants to visit the space center again soon. Good luck to you and your son on the hunting. If the one you shot is the little one then I really look forward to seeing the big ones
Swimmers generally are amazingly focused kids compared to their age class. I hope that your three rules stick with him all the days of his life.
Kansasdad, that is what I hope he gets from swimming. He is getting straight A’s and rocked his pre ACT. Like I said, I know I am really blessed.

As a way to pay it forward…I have a few Sitka sub alpine shirts (small) that Christian has outgrown. I think I have three core light weight and one core heavy weight. They are free to a good home on HT if there is another person looking to get their kid/kids into hunting. I believe they are in excellent condition without any rips or holes. Please PM me if you are interested.
Christian’s swim meet was cancelled because of a heating issue. 26 degrees this morning so we are back at it now.

We spooked 6 deer coming in. I am about 100 yards from Christian.

D8BD7EC3-EEDD-4F69-85D7-32A8CF74DC50.jpegHe is the little orange dot in the middle. You can barley see him.
095B1A2D-9749-4C5D-AE4A-A520799794A6.jpegThis is where the big bucks came from last time. Christian is in the perfect spot if they repeat.

I'm jealous that you guys still have a few weeks of season left. Isn't far for me to slip across the line and could probably find a spot, either public or permission on a logging tract... won't lie and pretend I haven't been scheming up a way to get over there and hunt some.

Good luck to you guys though, hope Christian gets a shot at a buck he likes.
Well a lot happened very fast. The last hour deer were pouring out in front of us. 1/2 before dark (right at sunset) I saw a very large buck in front of me and Christian saw another in front of him. He could not get a shot as the buck walked/ran around chasing a doe.

My buck walked out in a perfect shooting lane at 80 yards. I asked Christian and he said to take the shot. I did and showed Christian how it’s done! Well…how a complete miss is done. The buck took 1/2 hour to walk away through the trees never giving me another shot.

We went to the shot location and found where my bullet hit a tree. No blood and oddly enough, rutting buck was not scared. Went on tracking to doe that went to the pond earlier.

Before Christian was out of the tree he said he wanted to go back tomorrow.
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I am back at it tonight. Christian is too tired after his workout so I am solo. The wind is a bit crazy tonight so not sure I will see much. Did see four on the way in and a hunter who was absolutely lost. He was sitting in the middle of the road and thought the dozer marks on the trees were deer rubs. I helped him find a decent area for the night and I am now in a tree across from where Christian was last night.15472EFB-B509-477F-9D4E-7FFB2951A5D5.jpeg
Well last night was a bust for deer. Very bad swirling winds and a few other man made issues kept the deer out of the area. We had work trucks driving by on a closed range. We will have to try again next week.
Sorry for the long pause. Swim meet and relatives visiting cause us to skip a weekend.

Christian has been saving up for a new X-Box. It got here last night so I am solo again.

I am by the river and it has been a bit slow.6CBAE26B-E771-4BAE-B996-701B05EBA633.jpegE26ED3E9-0528-4B12-90E3-2ECC42CEF8D2.jpeg
I am not sure how to add video but I just had three does walk under me. I have great video. The lead doe was peeing about every 10 yards. Just slowly walking. I was about to call it a day but might just wait to see if anything follows. The rut is still going strong here.
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