Yeti GOBOX Collection

A Whitetail story

I've taken over 500 whitetail with my crossbow and 100 bucks or so, every story is cool to me. I guess my 1st 150" class 8 point with a kicker is a hunters story.
It started with a walk in the woods and a small herd of does were being chased by a nice 14 point. At the time I use tree climber spikes and scrambled up a tree. A nice nice 8 point ran by and I wait for the 14 point. I stop him with a Hey you ! at about 15 yards and took a shot, over his back. He jumps ahead now 15 yards to my right standing there I'm able to load my brothers crossbow, an old Bear 200 pounder and shot again over his back. Dam this thing is off he swore it was on, mine had split a limb on a shot early morning at a 8, 10 miles away. So now I bummed. I go back and moved with a tree stand to set up on a hill directly across the road from a deertrail coming out of the park. I hunted M,T,W,T and Thursday afternoon the property's owers son told me the 14 point was killed out on #28 on Wednesday. So Friday I put some doe pee out under a big acorn tree where deer congregate before they cross or come across the road. It was about 10 am I had a doe with a limp feeding on the acorns and she was hot and off by herself in November. That big 8 point who came through before the 14 point the Saturday before came running across the road was standing 5 yards from my tree . He looked at the doe then looked right up at me and did that again and again, after the 3rd time I had a good quarting away shot and dropped him. he's the 3rd mount from the left.


  • 20121212_125306.jpg
    160 KB · Views: 27
You really do have radar. Congrats on the big buck Art! Really impressive collection of sets off of one animal.
This story starts five years ago when this nice young buck with good brow tines showed up on trail camera.
The next spring I found the antlers near my fathers and put them in the keep for now pile. The keep for now pile is for antlers from young bucks that might turn into something in the future as I do not want to part with any antlers from any buck that turns out to be special.
The next year I never got any pictures of the buck, but he did grow nice enough for me to notice him. The first time I saw him was in late November when a friend and I spotted him on a neighboring ranch. Now he was a real nice four point that was pushing 140 inches. A few weeks later he was back at my fathers for the winter. In the spring I found the sheds a few feet apart in a little grove of cottonwoods.
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Awesome buddy
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