A Soldiers hunting transportation

Thank you - for your service, for a really cool post, and for reminding us of what is important.
Would never happen for Nam vets though. We are lucky to shoot a 300yd, yet alone walk that far now:hump: Not!

Boy wouldn't it be great if the States would move these guys to the top of the list on Tag Draws based on their time deployed? My best post ever! John
As others have said, thank you for your service.

After watching Lone Survivor and reading a few books, I added something to my bucket list. Sometime, I would like to sit down and have a conversation with someone who has done this for our country (punctuated with a lot of my appreciation).

When I take my boys out hunting, fishing, snowshoeing, etc, I often think about that fact that there are a lot of people out there that are or were in the military that allows me to do it. And I certainly appreciate it.
There are actually hundreds and hundreds of them sitting in a filed near Houston, TX. With the draw down, they have tons of them left over and have to figure out what to do with them. I heard that they are giving some of them to Police departments for "Branch Davidian" type situations. I don't think you would want to feed (fuel) that pig though. It doesn't get Miles per gallon, it gets gallons per mile. It's a lot bigger than it looks. The front of the hood there is about 6 foot tall and overall about 10-12 foot tall.

First and foremost, Thank You.

Second, I have been waiting for a good clear day that I could take this picture. My house is about 703 yards on the other side of the test hill. The vehicles that have the blue tarps on them, have been damaged and returned for repair, then the government decided not to repair them. The others have never left the yard.

This facility is supposed to shut completely down this year. Not sure what they are going to do with them all. Shortly after our new commander in chief took office, this facility lost their contract to build them. They were employing over 1000 people here, they are now down to less than 300 with more RIF's coming.

Oh, in Texas we even put a high fence around these suckers.:D

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