Yeti GOBOX Collection

A short end to my season


New member
Jun 5, 2004
North Pole, Alaska
Well, I'm pretty bummed. My hunting partner and I got up to our moose/caribou area Sunday night, ready for the opener on Monday. Monday morning, we are up and at em. It was a beautiful day. We got back into an area that we had scouted and felt pretty good about, but had never hunted before. Around noon, while coming down the side of a hill, I lose my footing, tumble about 30 yards down the hill and....


I break my right ankle.

My buddy manages to help me limp my way back to camp...about 2 1/2 hours. We make it back, pack up and drive back to town. 6 hours after the accident, I'm in the ER getting x-rays. They said I tore the ligaments and also broke some small pieces of bone. I have to follow up with the ortho doc next week to find out what the prognosis is.

So, needless to say, my hunting season is over after less than 12 hours. To add insult to injury, I busted the LCD screen on my Canon Rebel that was in my pack.

So, I will have to live vicariously through all of you. I'm rooting for each and every one of you to bring home the trophy of a lifetime.
Sorry to hear that. How tall are the boots you were wearing? I can't imagine breaking my ankle with my 10" boots.
Sorry to hear that. Broke mine a few years back, no fun, but with a little work it can work again. Hope you get it working right again. Will do my best, and post a bunch of pics for ya.
Well, that definitely alters the way and the places you can hunt, but its only the end of the season, if you let it be. Glad you got out ok and it wasn't worse.
Gup, That is terrible..........BTW, we were'nt Fantasy Hunt partners this year were we??? Get well fast and don't worry, I will think of you during Elk season. Your Buddy, John
BTW, we were'nt Fantasy Hunt partners this year were we???


Guppie, good luck with the broken wheel.
Thanks all...

Jose...I actually bought it from the wife took it to the local Canon shop this morning and they are shipping it off to Illinois to be repaired.

Oak...They were 10" Rocky's. I busted the ankle while rolling down the hill, not on the actual first slip. As I was tumbling, my foot got caught up in the ground. Anyone wearing anything short of ski boots probably would have broken their ankle.

John...not this year. I won't be dragging you down!!! Good luck on the elk.
Bad deal. Sorry to hear about it but you could always just ride your 4 wheeler anywhere you want like all the other AK hunters....
Trust me will be doing some vicarious living once I post my pics from Kodiak. :D Seriously though, keep your weight off the leg, get it healed up and be ready to get after it next year. I'm sorry to hear about the misfortune, but at least you made it home safely.
I've been living with knee pain for a year now. I spent the holiday weekend in the mountains with the Boy Scouts, ignoring the pain and running up and down hills all day. The surgery I had last December does not seem to have done the job as I usually wake up in pain. Monday, after driving home, I could barely get out of the car. I had an MRI last week and I go see the surgeon on Friday. I am not sure if I want more surgery or not - but I do know I don't want to accept things as they are now.

But - if I have surgery, it may screw up my hunting season this year, and I missed most of last year with the death of my Mom. I really need to get out to NM this year for mule deer, at least - even if it means dealing with the pain.

Life sucks when it gets in the way of hunting! My condolences to you!
Sorry to hear of your problems....Gotta be a major let down

Hope you can still get out and enjoy the outdoors in some way this fall....
sorry to hear that guppie.You know its now the 3rd day of the season and Ive seen 2 little bulls in 2 days and Im not even hunting.Hunting partner fell thru and so Im just hanging out.
ANyhow Hopefully everyting turnsout good for ya.Good Luck
I know a guy that went to NM last year on a rare elk tag hunt and hurt his knee. It got swelled up every day and he couldn't make it too a big elk he tried a stalk on. Maybe if you sat by a water hole? It sounds like a hard decision Cali.
Guppie, know a guy, who knows a guy that knows a voodoo prietesses down in louisiana. will see if I can get her up there for you. that way you can get back at it. good luck on the healing.

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